Good Lord. Of course. That explains it, the way he moves, walks, runs.


I sat there stunned, reenvisioning the little beast before I answered, bringing up to mind every image of him from every conceivable angle which memory would allow. Yes, even in Venice, he'd had that obvious awkwardness about him.

David, he can do it.

Lestat, don't jump to such a mad conclusion! He may think that he can do it. He may want to try it. He may be living entirely in a world of delusions-

No. That's his proposition, David, the proposition he says that I will want to hear! He can switch bodies with people!

Lestat, you can't believe-

David, that's what's wrong with him! I've been trying to figure it since I saw him on the beach in Miami. That isn't his body! That's why he can't use its musculature or its . . . its height. That's why he almost falls when he runs. He can't control those long powerful legs. Good God, that man is in someone else's body. And the voice, David, I told you about his voice. It's not the voice of a young man. Oh, that explains it! And you know what I think I think he chose that particular body because I'd notice it. And I'll tell you something else. He's already tried this switching trick with me and it's failed.

I couldn't continue. I was too dazzled by the possibility.

How do you mean, tried?

I described the peculiar sensations-the vibration and the constriction, the sense that I was being forced quite literally out of my physical self.

He didn't reply to what I'd said, but I could see the effect this had upon him. He sat motionless, his eyes narrow, his right hand half closed and resting idly beside his plate.

It was an assault upon me, wasn't it He tried to get me out of my body! Maybe so that he could get in. And of course he couldn't do it. But why would he risk mortally offending me with such an attempt?

Has he mortally offended you? David asked.

No, he's merely made me all the more curious, powerfully curious!

There you have your answer. I think he knows you too well.

What? I heard what he said but I couldn't reply just now. I drifted into remembering the sensations. That feeling was so . Strong. Oh, don't you see what he's doing He's suggesting that he can switch with me. He's offering me that handsome young mortal frame.

Yes, David said coldly. I think you're right.

Why else would he stay in that body? I said. He's clearly very uncomfortable in it. He wants to switch. He's saying that he can switch! That's why he's taken this risk. He must know it would be easy for me to kill him, squash him like a little bug, I don't even like him-the manner, I mean. The body is excellent. No, that's it. He can do it, David, he knows how.

Snap out of it! You can't put it to the test.

What Why not You're telling me it can't be done In all those archives you have no records . . . David, I know he's done it. He just can't force me into it. But he's switched with another mortal, that I know.

Lestat, when it happens we call it possession. It's a psychic accident! The soul of a dead person takes over a living body; a spirit possessing a human being; it has to be persuaded to let go. Living people don't go around doing it deliberately and in concerted agreement. No, I don't think it is possible. I don't think we do have any such cases! I. . . He broke off, clearly in doubt.

You know you have such cases, I said. You must. Lestat, this is very dangerous, too dangerous for any sort of trial. Look, if it can happen by accident, it can happen this way too. If a dead soul can do it, why not a living soul I know what it means to travel outside my body. You know. You learned it in Brazil. You described it in fine detail. Many, many human beings know. Why, it was part of the ancient religions. It's not inconceivable that one could return to another body and hold on to it while the other soul struggles in vain to recapture it.

What an awful thought.

I explained again about the sensations and how powerful they had been. David, it's possible he stole that body!

Oh, that's just lovely.

Again, I was remembering the feeling of constriction, the terrific and strangely pleasurable feeling that I was being squeezed out of myself through the top of my head. How strong it had been! Why, if he could make me feel that, surely he could make a mortal man rise out of himself, especially if that mortal man did not have the slightest idea of what was being done.

Calm yourself, Lestat, David said a little disgustedly. He laid his heavy fork upon the half-empty plate. Now think this through. Perhaps such a switch could be achieved for a few minutes. But anchoring in the new body, remaining inside it, and functioning day in and day out No. This would mean functioning when you are asleep as well as awake. You're talking about something entirely different and obviously dangerous. You can't experiment with this. What if it worked?

That's the whole point. If it works, then I can get into that body. I paused. I could scarcely speak it and then I did. I said it. David, I can be a mortal man.

It took my breath away. A moment of silence passed as we stared at each other. The look of vague dread in his eyes did nothing to still my excitement.