Page 84 of From This Moment


The fact was Jake had felt so good inside me that I hadn’t wanted him to stop, regardless of the fact that someone was on their way into the house.

Chapter 25


It’s six in the morning, and I’ve slept since late afternoon yesterday. Cade woke me a couple of times when it was time to take some painkillers, but other than that, I was really out of it.

Trying to move slowly, I realize that most of my aches and pains are gone, but there’s still a dull throb in my hip. I’m just thankful I’m not any worse.

Cade is flat out in bed, facing me. I bet he’s tired from worry for me. He looks so relaxed in sleep, and it’s nice seeing him like that.

Sitting up slowly, I manage to stand without too much effort, and make my way to the bathroom. It does get easier the more steps I take.

In the bathroom, I switch on the shower, relieve myself and look in the mirror. I wince at the bruising that is still rather vivid against my pale skin. Hopefully makeup will hide most of it if I go out anywhere.

Sighing, I climb into the steaming shower to enjoy the hot water as it pounds on my aching muscles—it’s a good sort of pain. I wash and rinse my hair, feeling ten times better.

Opening the door to the shower, I find Cade holding a towel out to me.

I smile and step out, allowing him to wrap me up in the blue, fluffy towel.

He cups my face in hands, inspecting the bruising before he meets my gaze. “Feeling better?”

Smiling, I give him a sexy grin. “I am now.”

Of its own accord my hand reaches out and rubs the head of his cock, standing hard, and erect from his body in all its naked glory.

“That isn’t what I meant.” He removes my hand and bringing it up to his face, kisses my palm before closing my fingers over his kiss.

My heart melts.

“I’m still slightly sore on my hip,” I answer his original question, “but everywhere else feels okay. I feel pretty good, and I’ve decided,” I pause, considering his present condition, “that there will be no sex until we’re on vacation.”

Cade frowns. “Are you serious?”

“Yes I am. Just think how much more enjoyable it will be coming together after waiting a few days.”

“It’ll kill me.” He looks at his cock.

“I think you’ll survive.” I walk past, brushing my hand over him.

“I’m taking a shower. A very cold one.”

I laugh. “I’ll meet you downstairs. Are Jake and Elise back?” I pull my clothes on while waiting for his reply.

“Yes, they came back late last night,” Cade shouts from the bathroom.

Quickly dressing, I hurry downstairs wanting to make sure Elise really is doing okay.

I find her making breakfast. “Morning, Elise. Where’s Jake?” I hug her real tight before letting go and pouring myself a freshly brewed coffee from the pot.

“I’m here.” Jake sneaks up and kisses me on the cheek in passing before sweeping Elise into his arms and locking lips with her. He turns back to me, but keeps Elise close to his side. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m good today, thanks.”

Sipping my coffee, I watch the interaction between the two of them, and realize something is up. Elise is trying to signal something to Jake while he’s frowning at her. His frown soon turns to a smile with a slight roll of his eyes.