Page 81 of From This Moment

“Fuck . . . wow. Hot damn,” she laughs. “I think I’m going to sleep here for the rest of the day, right through dinner. Right now I can’t move a muscle.”

“Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you?” I ask with concern. The last thing I want is to hurt her, and with all the movement toward the end, I need to make sure she’s still all right.

“I’m good. Um, I’m more than good.”

“In that case, I need to move and get a cloth to clean you up. I can’t control myself.” I offer a polite apology.

“I love that you lose it with me.”

“Only ever with you.”

Chapter 24


Stepping back, I admire the dark cherry wood counter top that I’ve just finished installing. It really shines and looks amazing with the matching cabinet doors. Elise is a country girl and loves the warm comforts of homemade more than the modern pieces you can buy these days.

The open plan of the downstairs makes the house look more than twice the size that it is—light and airy. By the time the house is furnished, it will really look like a home. Now that I have Elise, I need the house to be ready and I’m becoming impatient. I just want to be living here with her in our own space without fear of stumbling upon Rona and my dad in a compromising position. I shudder at the thought. I can accept their relationship, but it’s just too weird witnessing even a hot kiss.

Running my hands through my hair, I shake the thought from my head tackling my mess. Hearing a car, I look up to try to see who it is. It can’t be Elise’s as hers is still in the shop, and I can’t think of anyone else stopping by.

Wiping my hands on the rag sticking out of my back pocket, I toss it in the pile of tools on the floor before making my way to the front porch just in time to watch Elise climb from Anna’s car.

Elise hasn’t spotted me yet, but my sister, Beth followed by Anna, blows me a kiss when she spots me. I wave to them and holding my arms out, I catch Elise up in a hug when she reaches me. Holding her tight, I lean down and seal our lips together. She tastes like cherry from the gloss she always wears on her beautiful lips—some things never change.

Neither does my reaction to her. As soon as my lips touch hers, I’m lost. Deepening the kiss, Elise reaches up with her fingers in my hair and holds me close. Little does she know I have no intention of leaving her to go anywhere.

“You always taste good,” I tell her when she pulls away to catch her breath. “I love how you react to me. As though your body knows you’re home.”

“I am home, but I’m not having sex with you out here on the porch with your sisters watching.”

I grin, and rub my erection against her stomach. “So if my sisters weren’t around, you’d let me have my way with you on the porch?”

Ignoring the whistles coming from my sisters as Anna and Beth drive off, I kiss Elise along her neck and rub her breasts through her clothes out of view of the drive.

She pushes against my searching fingers.

“Yes,” she mumbles. “But first the house.” Stepping out of my arms, she leaves me standing on the porch with a large bulge behind my zipper.

I follow her into the house, unsure if my limp is because of my hip or my erection.

Walking toward her, I slip my arms around her waist and snuggle into her from behind while she’s taking in the kitchen. Her eyes scan the entire room but she doesn’t say anything as I wait for her to voice her opinion.

She’s so quiet, which worries me. Elise isn’t known for being quiet, and if it involves her then she doesn’t usually take long to voice her opinions.

“I really don’t know what to say. It’s my dream house . . . right down to the colors you’ve chosen for the cabinets. How could you remember what I told you after all this time?” Her voice is breathless as though she’s in awe.

“I have a good memory.”

Elise turns to face me. “It’s not just that, Jake. Even when we weren’t together, you were obviously thinking about me. Otherwise,” she waves her hand to indicate the entire room, “you wouldn’t have started this house and done everything you knew I wanted in a home.” Elise wraps her arms around my waist with her head on my chest. “You even remembered the country feel for the kitchen that I wanted.”

“I remember everything from our time together. Some things that you probably wish I didn’t,” I admit on a chuckle. “Like the time in sixth grade when you had that pink, frilly thing on, and you slipped outside. You ended up on your ass and showed the entire class your matching pink panties.”

Elise hits me on the arm. “I can’t believe you remember that.”

She shakes her head and walks to the counter tops for a closer look.

“Hey, of course I’m going to remember that. I’m a guy and your panties were involved. Actually, I think that was what triggered puberty for me,” I wink as I follow her.