Page 62 of From This Moment

She turns over, closing her eyes.

Downstairs, I find a note in the kitchen from Jake saying he’s taken Elise out and that they’ll be back later.

I’m just about to head back upstairs with my woman’s drink when the house phone starts to ring. I’d rather ignore it, but decide to answer just in case it’s urgent. “Hello, Matthew residence.”

“Dad, it’s Anna. Can you or Jake call up to the house and help Justin pin down the tarpaulin that’s over the back porch? There’s a leak in the roof and it’s making a mess. Justin was trying to sort it out on his own and nearly fell off the roof. I’m not strong enough to hold the ladder for him.”

“Hell! Jake’s out. Can it wait until he gets back? Tom’s still loose and he may come to the house, and Rona’s in bed sick. She can’t exactly come with me.”

“Dad, please. Won’t she be fine for a few minutes? It won’t take long. Justin is going up there on his own, otherwise.”

I realize I need to go and help. “Give me fifteen minutes then I’ll be there.”

Shit, what the hell am I going to do with Rona?

I don’t think she’s up to traveling and I feel very uncomfortable leaving her here alone.

Damn it!

I return to the bedroom and find Rona getting back into bed.

“I have to go out. I’m hopefully only going to be about thirty minutes. There’s a leak in the roof over at Anna’s. Justin is about to go on the roof on his own and I can’t let him do that.” I sit on the bed and hold her hands, not wanting to let go.

“Of course you have to go. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.” She lifts my hand and kisses my palm.

“Tom is still out there. I really don’t want to leave you alone.”

“Cade, I’ll be fine. And you said you won’t be gone long, plus there’s a key in the door. I’ll lock up when you leave and you can lock up downstairs. And my cell is fully charged.”

“Hell.” I can’t seem to leave her.

“Cade, go. The sooner you go, the sooner you’re back.”

“I better get changed first.”

After slipping into old jeans, I bring Rona close to me. “I’m going now. You need to lock up behind me.” My mouth hovers mere inches above hers before I steal a soft kiss from her parted lips.

Rona climbs out of bed and follows me to the door. “I love you.” She kisses me all too briefly. “Don’t worry.”

I hear the lock engage after I shut the door.

Hell, I hope she’ll be okay.


Chapter 19


Once Cade leaves, I climb back into bed, feeling a bit better. But I prop myself up and grab my cell just in case. I wasn’t too concerned about Tom coming after me, until Cade got all stressed out about it. His concern has kind of rubbed off on me.

Hearing a car outside, I wonder if it’s Jake and Elise. I decide to stay put in case it’s Cade coming back to make sure I’m following orders.

Five minutes pass when I hear what sounds like breaking glass. Then, nothing. My heart starts to pound. I don’t know whether or not to ring Cade. It might just be my imagination.

Then I hear footsteps on the stairs. “Elise!”

Shit. I grab my cell and ring Cade.