Page 44 of From This Moment

“Did I really need to know that?”

I laugh. “I couldn’t resist.”

“Let me find a spot to pull over. There’s a boutique thing on the other side of the road that Beth loves.”

“Thanks, Jake.”

He pulls over for me and I quickly jump out of the truck while the guy in the car behind us honks with impatience.


After pu

rchasing a selection of clothes and boots, I’m struggling outside with my bags, when I bump into Elise.

“Elise, hi.” She turns to look at me—in tears—and I gasp in surprise. “Are you okay?” I ask, though I can see she isn’t.

I take hold of her arm. “What’s wrong? Come sit with me a minute.”

She seems reluctant to talk as she sniffles into a tissue. I’m so surprised to bump into her while she’s in such a state. I’d even go as far as to suggest that she has no idea that she’s actually crying.

“I can’t go on like this, Rona. I’m so in love with Jake that I fear I’m going to lose him if I make him wait any longer.”

“Oh, Elise. Jake is impatient, but he can wait. I mean he’s made you wait for years so what’s a few days?”

I’m not that good with relationships since my previous one seemed to be as fake as the eyelashes on a drag queen, and I have no idea where that thought came from.

“The truth is I’m frightened of telling Tom.” Elise dabs at her eyes and looks to me with a pleading expression on her face. “He’s changed so much, Rona. He wasn’t like he is now when we first met. Now I’m afraid he’ll do something to me if I tell him I can’t marry him.”

So not good.

“Then maybe you should say all this to Jake. I know it could get awkward, but he needs to be there with you. At least then you’ll feel more secure.”

“I don’t want Jake there because if he gets wind that I’m frightened of Tom, I just know he’ll do something.”

“Well, what about me?” I suggest.

“What about you?” Elise suddenly realizes what I’m referring to. “No way. Look, I’m probably just imagining this. I need to build up the strength to tell him. To get it out of the way once and for all.”

“Are you sure?”

Elise pulls herself together. “I’m sure.”

Then I have a sudden thought. “Tom isn’t living with you, is he?”

“Oh God, no. He stays with his sister, Grace, when he’s in town. She’s really nice, but kind of shy. Total opposite of her brother.”

Moving closer to her, I gently grip her arm in an effort to comfort her and as a way to stop the tears flowing freely from her eyes.

“You know what you have to do. Jake loves you, and I know you love him. Don’t you?”

She nods her head. “Yes.”

Mopping up her tears, she looks at me. “I need to go, thanks for talking with me.” She glances back at me. “It’s Cade who has your attention, isn’t it?”

“I . . . it’s . . . wow, yes. I’m in love with him. He’s everything to me. How did you know?”

“Sorry, but I’m afraid I overheard you talking on the phone to him at Anna’s. You were so involved with your conversation you didn’t see me walk through to the kitchen.”