Page 107 of From This Moment

So, it’s a relief when she finally finishes eating and heads upstairs to change. Following her with my eyes, I sigh once she disappears. I glance to Jake and meet his eyes across the table.

He’s trying not to laugh and failing miserably.

“Don’t say a word.”

Jake bursts out laughing, setting Elise off. Without a word, they both slip into their outdoor gear and disappear out the backdoor.

I load the dishwasher and clean around the kitchen waiting for Rona to reappear. Before long, she’s walking toward me again.

“Is this better?” She’s now wearing jeans and sweater with her thermal boots already on her feet.

I smile. “You looked great before, just like you do now, except you would’ve frozen as you were, and I wouldn’t have been able to keep my hands to myself.”

“Ha, you can’t keep your hands to yourself anyway.”

“C’mon, let’s get our jackets on and head over to the horses. Jake’s probably there already.”

“Okay. I’m really excited for this.”

So am I, sweetheart. I just hope you love the surprise I have waiting.

Taking Rona’s hand, we trek through the snow to the stables. Just being outside with her, holding her hand, claiming her as mine is a lovely miracle. Just two weeks, ago I had nothing compared to what I have now.

“This is the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen and with the snow, it’s amazing.” Rona hugs me as we stand looking across the pond.

“Yes it is. There’s nowhere like it.”

I take hold of her hand again as we carry on to the stables to help Jake with the sleigh.

Walking around the side of the stables has us coming up short. We’re met with the sight of Bonnie and Clyde already attached to the sleigh and Jake pinning Elise to the wall, her legs wrapped around him. Not the sight a father wants to see no matter how old his son is!

“Jake, what are you doing?” I shout, which has a startled Jake and embarrassed Elise pulling apart.

Looking at Rona, who is shaking at my side, I find her laughing so hard that tears are rolling down her face.

“Sorry. The look on your face when you saw them was funny.” She tries to mop the tears up. “Cade, they’re only doing what we do all the time.”

“Yeah, Dad,” Jake drags Elise to where we’re standing, a huge grin splitting his face.

I scowl. “Yes, but we don’t put on a performance for everyone to see.”

“So what would you call having your hand on Rona’s thigh lifting her skirt up for all to see this morning?” Jake responds.

I pull Rona toward the sleigh. “C’mon, let’s get going, before he takes her i

n the snow.”

I can hear Jake making choking noises behind me as I help Rona get comfortable in the sleigh.

“We’re going now, Dad. You two behave out there. You don’t want certain parts freezing off.”

The snowball I throw at him hits its target.

We watch as Jake reaches for some snow. “Don’t you dare! I have to sit next to him and I don’t want to freeze my butt off because your father is full of snow,” Rona pleads.

“Okay, he’s safe for now. But when you get back, all bets are off.”

“Oh cool, a snowball fight. Can I join in?” Rona asks with excitement.