Page 93 of Rose and Jacob

Dean stopped Mack before they went into the conservatory and pulled her into his arms for a soul-shattering kiss. He took her hand in his and opened the door. Three stunned faces greeted them when they saw the two together.

“Dean, what is the meaning of this? You said you were in your room, and I thought you said nobody was allowed in there?”

“Mother, Cynthia, Gladys, you remember Mack. I’m sure you do. She was with me in my room because she’s my fiancée. We’re going to be married as soon as Mack will have me.”

Mack was stunned. Dean had told her it could be a long engagement. She started to smile and looked at Dean. “How’s next weekend sound at Rose Cottage?”

“Dean, slow down. You’re not getting married next weekend, that's impossible. There would be too many details to arrange in such a short time.”

“Mother, the only people we want at the wedding are Mack’s immediate family and mine. And if it can be arranged in time, this weekend, in Cape Elizabeth, at the house where Grandmother grew up.”

“What are you talking about?” his mother asked, having completely forgotten about Cynthia and her mother.

“My grandparents will tell you about it later,” Dean explained. “Mother, don’t worry, everything will work out fine.”

“Yes, but what about—” Anne trailed off and waved her arms in Cynthia and Gladys’s direction.

Dean took a deep breath. “Cynthia, I’m sorry, but it was love at first sight for me when I met Mack. There’s a guy out there for you, but I’m afraid it’s not me.”

“Bravo, Grandson!” Jacob was grinning from ear to ear.

Both Mack and Dean turned around to find Eliza, Jacob and Dean’s father, James, standing behind them, smiling.

Eliza moved over to Mack, taking her face into her hands. “Thank you for making our grandson so happy.” With both Mack and Eliza close to tears, Dean wrapped an arm around Mack’s waist. “Let me see,” Eliza asked, as she lifted Mack’s left hand. “Oh, my. Perfect fit. It looks lovely.”

Mack wiped her eyes and took hold of Eliza’s hand. “Thank you for giving this ring to Dean. You have no idea how much it means to me.”

“Oh, I think I do,” Eliza added.

While everyone seemed to be talking at once, Mack noticed Cynthia and Gladys leaving. Although Mack was really looking forward to putting them in their place, she couldn’t help but feel sorry for them. Cynthia would never have stalked Dean, but for the interference and cajoling from both mothers.

She had a wedding to plan for the weekend! How in the hell did that happen? She didn’t even have a dress, then there’s flowers, food, cake. No, the calm of earlier was gone, and panic was setting in. “Dean, can we go outside for a minute?”

He looked at Mack, frowning. “You okay?”

Mack just laughed and walked Dean outside onto the back patio.

“Dean, you do realize I don’t even have a dress. I’m only going to do this once so I want all the trimmings, cake, flowers, family, and bridesmaids.”

“I’ll help with everything, I promise. I’m not going to leave it all to you. It would be too much, especially with us wanting it all done for the weekend.”

“Thank goodness for that.” Mack admired her engagement ring again.

“Come on, babe. Let’s go say our goodbyes.” Dean took hold of her hand and pulled her in for a quick kiss. “We have a wedding to arrange!”

Chapter 41

In the morning, Mack was sitting on Dean’s lap in the kitchen of Rose Cottage and sharing a cup of coffee, while they made a list of what they needed to organize for their wedding. Mack wasn’t quite sure how she ended up announcing this weekend was fine for a wedding. A moment o

f insanity?

Yesterday had been an amazing day. Not only had Mack discovered Rose and Jacob had been together all these years, Rose as Eliza, but she was now wearing Eliza’s engagement ring as her very own.

They were going to tell Thomas about Rose, and prayed it wouldn’t be too big a shock for him. What Rose and Thomas’s father had done to them, lying about both of his children’s death, was disgusting and unforgivable. All this time wasted. All these years Thomas had been alone with no family after his wife died. It was so terribly sad to think he had nieces and nephews out there, not to mention great-nephews and nieces that he had no knowledge of. Hopefully, it would go smoothly as Mack wasn’t too sure how she would handle Thomas, if it didn’t.

“Dean? Do you think your mother would like to come looking at wedding dresses with me and mine?” She saw the shock on Dean’s face. “She’s going to be my mother-in-law so the least I can do is try and get along with her. But if she’s rude again, all bets are off, okay?”

“Okay. Just tell me when and where and I’ll let my mother know.”