Page 72 of Rose and Jacob

“What’s your pleasure, Lucas?” Dean pulled into a free parking space and turned to him.

“Mmm, can I please have chicken nuggets, fries, and a chocolate shake?”

“You certainly can, Lucas. Mack, Thomas, do you both want something from here?”

“I think I’ll have the same as Lucas, please.” Mack did the high five with Lucas.

Dean turned to look at Thomas. “Now you’re not going to let me down, are you, Thomas?”

Mack rolled her eyes. “Men!”

He rubbed his stomach. “No, I’m not. I’ll have a burger, fries, and Coke, please. This is my first trip to a McDonald’s, you know.”

“Wow! You’ve never been to a McDonald’s before? But what do you eat if you don’t go to McDonald’s?” Lucas asked, totally amazed.

“Real food.”

Dean laughed at Lucas’s expression. “Okay, you guys, want to eat here or drive a bit further to Fortune’s Rock where we can see the ocean? Maybe we’ll get lucky and find a parking place.”

All three replied, “The ocean.”

Dean grabbed the blanket from the trunk of the car, and then headed over to the beach with a rather excited Lucas in tow.

Mack removed her sandals, before she took hold of Dean’s hand as they carried on walking to find a perfect spot on the beach to watch the ocean, and some yachts that were further out at sea.

With the blanket placed on the sand, they all sat down and ate their McDonald’s food. Mack had no idea she was so hungry until she started to eat. She watched Thomas, who consumed his meal nearly as fast as Lucas did.

“Well, Thomas, what did you think of your first McDonald’s burger?”

“I enjoyed it, thank you, Dean. Not as good as the burgers I make, but good enough.” He ended on a burp that sent Lucas into a fit of giggles.

“Auntie Mack, please, can I go and play in the waves?”

“Give me a couple of minutes, okay? Then I’ll take you.”

Thomas stood and looked back and forth between Mack and Dean. “I’ll take you, buddy. I could do with some exercise after eating all that.”

“Are you sure, Thomas?” Mack motioned for Lucas to come and stand in front of her.

“Of course I am.”

“Let me roll your trouser legs up, okay. Don’t get your jeans wet as you have nothing to change into.”

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“I won’t.”

“Are you going to roll my trouser legs up, too?” Thomas gave her a cheeky grin.

Not being one to back down from a challenge, she grinned, “Come here then.”

After rolling both sets of trousers up, Mack lay between Dean’s legs, resting against his chest.

“You smell delicious, Mack.” Dean started to caress her arms. “So soft.”


She moved in closer to Dean and could feel what she did to him. Loving his reaction, she wriggled slightly, and then laughed when she heard him groan.