Page 47 of Rose and Jacob

As he watched them walk away, Dean knew he now had the perfect opportunity to come clean and break it to her gently. He was praying he didn’t upset her too much.

“Tell me about Mackenzie?” he asked. He took Mack by the hand and pulled her back down to cuddle into his side with her head resting on his shoulder and his arm around her.

She smiled and inhaled deeply. “Okay. You already know some of this, but let me refresh your memory. Mackenzie Louise Harper is twenty-seven years old and a teacher from Roslindale, Boston. Her parents are Louise and Alex Harper, who are fifty-nine and sixty-five years old, respectively. They live in a retirement village on the North Shore after spending more than thirty-five years teaching high school. My sister, Melinda, is four years older than me and married to a doctor, Daniel. They only have the one son, Lucas. I’m not divorced, married, or in a relationship. I think that about covers it. What about you?”

Now or never. He inhaled. “Mack, my name is Dean James . . . Evans.”

She stilled beside him.

He continued, “My mother’s maiden name is Simone. I’m a graphic novelist, and my sister, Alice is five years older than me and married to Simon, who’s in financing.”

He took another deep breath for courage while he glanced at Mack. “I’m thirty-two, not divorced, married, or in a relationship. My parents are Anne and James, who are sixty-two and sixty-five years old, respectively. They live with my grandparents in Brookline . . . They are Jacob and Eliza Evans.”

She was so still and silent that he could barely feel her breathing. He felt sick and really hoped he hadn’t lost her because he hadn’t been totally upfront. “Mack, did you hear me?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“I wanted to tell you the minute the name Simone left my mouth, and I don’t know why I didn’t, or rather I didn’t want to look like an idiot in front of a woman I couldn’t take my eyes off. I’m really truly sorry, Mack.”

“Why?” She sat up and rested her arms on her raised knees as she gazed out at sea.

“My grandfather made a lot of money, and so did my father

, for that matter. People get ideas about it and contact us for various reasons, sometimes shady reasons. When I heard Martha on the phone with you, I told her that I would check you out first. I knew the minute I saw you that you weren’t in that category, but I’m so worked up over you and want you like crazy that I can’t kiss you again until you know the truth.”

Mack was so quiet as Dean continued, “After listening to you earlier, I think my grandfather really is your Jacob Evans. I have an Aunt Rosalind. Could he have named her after Rose?”

“Seriously?” she asked.


After what felt like an hour of silence but was probably only five minutes, she took hold of his hand and laced her fingers with his. “Thank you for telling me. I’m glad you told me now, rather than later,” she admitted, blushing.

Dean moved in close to her. “Am I forgiven?”

“Is that the only untruth you’ve told me?”

He looked slightly sheepish. “I really am single, unless you’re willing to be my girl, in which case I’m spoken for.” He grinned. “But my mother is trying to marry me off to her friend’s daughter, Cynthia. That’s one of the reasons why I decided to check you out. I needed to get away from her matchmaking. I was glad I did the moment I met you.”

“So am I . . . Cynthia?”

He sighed. “Yeah.” Not really knowing where to start, he just hoped he didn’t blow it. “My mother decided she wanted grandchildren, and my sister refused to cooperate so she focused on me. Cynthia’s mother has been friends with mine since school, and as we’re of a similar age and background, they decided to push us together.”

He glanced at Mack. “I’m not interested in Cynthia. In fact, she’s starting to annoy me, always showing up wherever I am. No one but Martha knows I’m here right now, and I plan to keep it that way. You’re the only one I want, Mack.”

She smiled and brushed the hair from his forehead. “Thank you for telling me. What was the other reason?”

He blinked, having completely forgotten he’d told her Cynthia was one reason. “Curiosity, after your message. I love my grandparents, and I think if my grandfather truly did love Rose, then I’ll take you to see him and distract my grandmother while you speak with him.”

He noticed the frown on Mack’s face. “They go everywhere together, always have and always will, I guess—” he swallowed back the lump in his throat, “—when one passes away, the other one will follow not long after, I’m certain.”

She gently used her fingers to wipe the tears away from her eyes. “Oh, Dean!”

She climbed astride him and took hold of his face, then placed a light kiss to his lips. “That is so sweet and heartbreaking at the same time.”

“Yes, it is.” He moved in to kiss Mack again and licked along the seal of her lips.

She felt Dean’s tongue against her lips. Opening her mouth, she allowed him entry, hearing him groan as a gentle kiss became heated.