Page 75 of Rose and Jacob

ll me what you remember.”

“I remember that last night as though it happened yesterday . . . It was just after ten thirty when I woke up, having heard my bedroom door shut. Turning over, I heard a thump, so I climbed out of my bed and turned on the lamp in my room. I discovered the Our Gang, April 1st edition on the floor. I realized it must have been Rose who had just been in my room.”

He sighed. “I then put the comic back down on my bed and put on my slippers and a sweater before creeping down the stairs. Spotting a light in the kitchen, I slipped inside quietly, just in time to see her going out the door with her purse.”

He took a sip of water. “I knew she was going to meet, Jacob, but I had no idea she had planned to run away with him. At least not then. It must have been about five minutes later, when Richard came banging on the back door. He had seen Rose sneak out and wanted to know where she was going. I told him I had no idea. He frightened me. I ended up blurting out that I thought she’d snuck out to meet Jacob and she would probably take the cliff path toward town.”

Both Mack and Thomas had tears in their eyes. “Are you sure you’re okay to continue?” Mack asked.

“I haven’t spoken about that night before now. I need to tell you.”

“All right, go on.”

“Richard seemed to go wild when I explained. He said ‘I will find her and bring her back where she belongs, and that is as my wife.’ I have never forgotten those words. Richard then took off toward the cliffs and that was the last I saw of him, until he returned just over an hour later, when Mother and Father were home, and told them he saw her go over the cliffs. I remember Richard looking really upset and as he was telling us, he just crumpled, breaking down and sobbing.”

“Oh, Thomas.” She knelt at his feet, taking his hands into hers. “Did you believe Richard when he said she’d ‘fallen’ off the cliff or did you consider Richard might have pushed her off?”

“I don’t know, Mack. That was a possibility, and I guess that night Richard looked wild enough to do anything, but he never, in all the years before that night or following showed any sign of being dangerous. Plus, I think he really did love her. He seemed a gentle kind of guy before then. At least, that’s what I thought.”

Mack sat bolt upright. “Thomas. Is Richard still alive?”

“He is, Mack. He lives in a nursing home now because he needs round-the-clock care.”

Mack sat back down across from Thomas. “Do you think they would let me talk to him?”

“He has a daughter, Sally, I think. She works in town at the coffee shop with the yellow paint. You could go see her and maybe she’ll phone the home to give permission for you to visit.”

“Over the years, have you ever asked Richard what happened that night?” Mack asked him tentatively.

“I tried, when I was older, maybe ten years later. He said that he lost the only woman he has ever loved that night and didn’t want to remember. Then he walked away from me.”

“I don’t know what to say. But I do know more happened that night than what you were told, I’m sure of it. I’m going to find out what. Perhaps now that Richard isn’t doing so well, he may be more open to talking about what happened that night, providing he remembers.”

Thomas finally pulled himself together and looked across to Mack. “Thank you. This is the first time I’ve ever forced myself to remember that night, and I feel as though a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I’ve always blamed myself, you see, for not telling my father. If I had, he’d probably have done his best to split them up but, at least, she would’ve lived. It was my fault Richard went after her on the cliff path.”

“You don’t know that. She could’ve still run away with him. Please don’t blame yourself anymore. It wasn’t your fault. I’m glad you told me, and I’ll let you know how my visit to see Richard goes,” Mack explained.

“Take Dean with you when you go, okay, Mack? He might need round-the-clock care, but I don’t want you alone with him.”

She glanced at Thomas. “Okay. Do you want to come back with me for some lunch?”

“No, thank you. I think I just need some peace for a short time. I’ll see you for dinner though.”

When Mack left Thomas, she realized that she still had many unanswered questions.

Chapter 31

Mack walked into Rose Cottage and was met by cheers and shouts coming from the living room. Lucas and Dean were obviously enjoying the Wii game.

Feeling rather cold, she made herself a cup of coffee and took a seat at the kitchen table, mulling over everything Thomas had just told her.

There were many ‘what if’s’ about that night, and she just couldn’t stop obsessing about them. She needed to call for coffee in town and ask Sally if she would let her visit her father. She would beg if needed.

If Richard found Rose that night, which he obviously had in order to have seen her go over the cliffs, then he must remember something, and perhaps, she was hoping, he would decide it was time to tell someone what really happened.

“Hey, Mack. I didn’t know you were back.” Dean walked over to pour himself some coffee. Not getting an answer from Mack, he stopped mid-pour and turned back around to take a look at her, noticing she was miles away. “Mack, what happened?” Dean asked, going over to sit beside her, and pulling her onto his lap.

Mack turned to Dean and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him close, breathing in his scent. All man. She felt soothed sitting with Dean, as though all was okay with the world.