I feel my heart flutter when I hear those words from my friend before it plummets to my toes again. He’s my bodyguard and he’s only here to make sure I stay safe, not to see to my other needs. My emotions are pulled up short at the realization, again, that he’s closer to my father’s age than he is my own. What the hell is wrong with me? I sure as hell haven’t been attracted to an older man before, and the thought of having ‘daddy issues’ causes my stomach to clench. I want to hurl.

Shuddering, I tell myself that it’s the music and the alcohol that’s causing the reaction to Hunter. Nothing more.

“Would you both mind if we call it a night.” I turn to face my two concerned friends. “I’m tired.”

“I’m sleepy as well,” Ivy admits, trying to hold in a yawn.

I know this isn’t really her scene, I also know that my best friend has it bad for my father. I haven’t mentioned anything to her because I don’t want to embarrass her, plus I figure I’d only get embarrassed as well. But with how I’m reacting to Hunter, I’m starting to see Ivy’s feelings in a different light, and don’t really know how I feel about that. Jarrod is my father, and I guess he’s still young though, being in his forties, but looking like he’s still in his thirties. Whenever we are out together the women notice him even though he’s oblivious to the attention. I guess that’s what happens when you have a handsome face, muscles to match any body builder and don’t spare any expense on your clothes. But the thought of him having sex makes me sick. Parents, in particular my father, don’t have sex, right? I so need to get my head off thoughts of my father and sex.



The whole evening has given me one hell of a headache. My temples throb and so does my cock. As I lay in bed, I can’t get the feel of Gia’s body against mine out of my head. She felt amazing. All sleek curves, and just as turned on as I’d been—still am.

How I’d managed to stop myself from slipping my fingers into her panties I’d never know. I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I’d wanted Gia right then. When I realized she was just as hot for me, I’d even gone so far as to look around for a private corner so I could taste her. That was until she’d brought me back to my senses with her spoken words.

Turning onto my stomach, I can’t get comfortable. My dick presses into the mattress and throbbing for relief. I sigh and turn back over. Kicking the covers from my body, I stroke down my shaft to my balls and hiss. I’m used to stroking one off, but it feels different. This time I have the vision of a dark haired beauty in my head.

I’m rock hard with my balls pulled up tight into my body—I need a release. It has been a hell of a long time since I’ve jerked off and I know this time is going to be quick. It’s going to be different because I have too much tension in my body after being close to Gia. I need to rid my body of it if I’m going to be able to do my job without any distractions. Until tomorrow.

Opening my legs, I take my cock in hand and start a slow tug on my shaft. The slow tug turns into a fast, back and forth motion the more I imagine it’s Gia’s pussy I’m pounding into. Her hands resting on the wall of the club—her legs spread wide as I hold her butt cheeks open—my dick getting sucked into her wet pussy—I rim her ass with my finger. “Fuck.” I’m close, and as I think about the color of her nipples—the way her breasts sway from side to side the more I’d pound into her—my seed explodes from the fire in my balls and out through the head of my cock. I come all over my chest with release hitting me on the cheek as I throw my head back, my hips straining with pleasure, and milk myself dry.

Unable to move, I lay on the bed knowing that I have to get up to clean myself off, but whatever energy I have, has obviously flown out of my dick because I don’t think my legs can hold me up. God I’d needed that.

As I listen to my heart slowly calm down, I lean over and grab my T-shirt to wipe my face before I use it to rub over my flaccid cock, chest and hand. Rolling off the side of the bed, my feet hit the floor as I walk to the bathroom for a shower.

Seven in the morning is not

the time I expect to be up and out of bed on a Monday morning when the wildcat doesn’t have a job to go to.

After she spent yesterday avoiding me, I’d been surprised when Gia searched me out last night to inform me stiffly that she was leaving the house at seven-thirty in the morning.

So I’m standing in the foyer of her home with a travel mug filled with steaming coffee while I wait for her to finish up in the kitchen.

Jarrod has already left with an off duty officer driving him, until a friend of mine, Julian, arrives, which should be sometime today. Jarrod hadn’t been happy when I’d informed him that he was having someone on him 24/7 as well, but he’d conceded without too much of a discussion. I have a suspicion that Ivy might have had something to do with his acceptance.

My eyes are drawn to the kitchen where Gia is leaning over the counter showing her curvy ass off in yoga pants. Keeping my eyes on her, I gulp down some coffee, and try to look somewhere else, but my gaze stays firmly fixed on her curves—her very sexy curves. I’m reminded of Saturday night when I jerked off to the image of me pounding into her.

She turns around and our gazes meet, and hold, as she fidgets with the phone in her hand and some sort of ID card on a neck strap while she walks towards me. I’m surprised she’s dressed as casual as she is. Yoga pants, T-shirt with a sweatshirt thrown on top and sneakers, this isn’t how I’d expected her to ever dress.

“I take it you have to drive?”

Taking another drink of the coffee, I nod.

“Let’s go.” I open the front door.

Unlocking the SUV that Jarrod had delivered for me to use once he’d seen my Harley, I slide into the driver’s seat. Gia is already sitting comfortably in the passenger seat and seems to have decided to ignore me. Turning the ignition, I let the engine idle.

After minutes of silence, Gia finally turns her head to look at me.

“I can’t drive unless you tell me where we’re going,” I snigger knowing good and well that she really doesn’t want to tell me, but she has no choice.

“Lady of Mercy Hospital,” she mumbles. “It should come up on the GPS. It will be easier than me trying to direct you.”

After giving me the information, she leans back in her seat and glances at me. I can tell that she’s waiting for me to comment. It’s almost as though she’s being defensive.

Punching the address speedily into the GPS, I pull out of the Carrington’s driveway and start to follow the directions to the hospital. The first few minutes of the trip are easy as the streets are nearly empty, however, as we slide onto the highway, our progress comes to a standstill by the thick morning traffic. I glance at her out of the corner of my eye and wonder why we’re going to the hospital so early in the morning. The neck ribbon of her ID card has the hospitals name printed all around, but it’s lying face down on her chest, out of my view.