Page 9 of Educate Me

She’s shoved her hand down the front of my jeans to straighten me out, which does ease the discomfort, but having her hand on my naked flesh is causing another kind of discomfort.

“No one’s ever responded to me the way you do,” she says so quietly, I barely hear her. “It’s so hot watching you go crazy for me. I didn’t think I was that desirable.”

Is she fucking crazy? I’m not that far off embarrassing myself and she thinks she isn’t desirable.

“Bianca. Don’t ever tell me you don’t think you’re desirable. God, you are so damn beautiful all I have to do is look at you and my need to touch you is unbearable. I’ve lost count the amount of times since I first saw you that I’ve beaten off imagining being inside you, not just your pussy, but your mouth, or having you spread open as I eat you out.”

Grrr. All this talk is making me throb.

“I want you, Mason.”

My dick does a leap for joy as my whole body tightens trying to hold back my excitement. “I want us to spend today together without getting naked. Today I want something more,” I tell her while clutching the steering wheel for dear life.

“I want that too, but, well, isn’t that uncomfortable?”

She’s going to kill me.

“Yeah. I’ll survive.” I chuckle, slipping my hand in my jeans to sort my junk out so I’m not tempted to let her finish me off, which is what her eyes are saying she wants to do.

Briefly, taking my eyes from the road, I glance at her and see the smirk she’s unable to hide. “You enjoy tempting me?” I ask, looking back to the road.

“Yes. When I’m with you, I’m carefree. I don’t have to worry about anything because you make me feel safe and happy. Which, considering I’m your teacher, is a bit weird. For year’s, I’ve always done what others expected me to do, but you…you don’t demand anything from me, other than for us to spend time together.” She sighs getting comfortable. “First my parents always expected me to get straight A’s and heaven help me if I didn’t. Then before I knew it I was at college and with Tim. I spent my childhood agreeing to my parents and then I found myself agreeing to whatever Tim suggested to keep the peace.” She hesitates and glances at me.

I don’t like knowing she’s with someone else when I want her all to myself.

“We kind of fell into a relationship and ended up here together. I can’t be sorry about following him here, because then I wouldn’t have met you, but a huge part of me knows whatever we had at college was over with when we graduated. I told Tim last night that I’m moving out.”

“What…” I pullover onto the shoulder of the road so I can look at her, and ask, “You really told him? What did you tell him?”

She smiles as I entwine my fingers with hers. “I told him that we were stupid staying in a relationship that should have ended. He was angry at first and then started to settle down and agreed, but he said he would be the one to leave as he had a friend from work he could move in with. I didn’t ask whether the friend was male or female, not because I didn’t want to know, but because I really wasn’t bothered.”

I have her. She’s mine now. I know that sounds possessive, but the fact is, I knew she’d be mine from the first time I saw her. At least now I can stop worrying about someone else touching her.

Kissing her hand, I say one word, “Good.”

She still doesn’t look as happy as she should as though there’s something else bothering her. So while we’re still sitting at the side of the road, I ask, “Tell me?” Her eyes briefly, widen. “There’s something else. I can see it in your eyes.”

“He’s moving out today while I’m out, but, well… What does this mean? You, me?” She covers my mouth with her hand when I go to interrupt her. “I don’t want you moving in with me because that would cause problems and we have only spent today together, but, I mean are we really doing this?”

I don’t like the not moving in part, but she’s right about today being our first day together, even though we had sex not once, but twice yesterday. “Bianca, I’m not using you to scratch an itch or whatever the hell you think I’m doing. I want you. We’ve already established I can’t get enough of your body, but I want to be with you as a person. Like hanging out today and just being in each other’s company. We’ll take one step at a time, okay? But one thing I want you to remember is that I’m not using you for sex. You mean more to me than that.”

When she smiles her whole face lights up and until this moment I hadn’t realized just how worried I was. Relief floods through me and I return her grin, although I think mine might be larger. “Let’s go. We’re not too far away now.”

“You still haven’t told me where we’re going?”

Keeping her hand in mine, I rest them against my thigh and chuckle at her. “We’re going to a small town on the water and we’re going to eat lobster and ice cream.”

“I can’t wait.”

“Just sit back and relax.”

Chapter Seven


Today is turning out to be the most romantic day of my life. Never in the few years that I was with Tim did we just spend the day walking around, holding hands and just having fun.

Mason and I are doing all of that. The small Victorian streets are perfect for the lazy walk and the ice cream slowly dipping down the cones make the scene even sweeter. Mason’s strong arm is wrapped around my waist and I settle into him, giving him the occasional taste of my ice cream as he returns the favor.