Page 13 of Educate Me

Chapter Nine


Mason pulls his car to a stop outside my apartment building. This morning I’d taken a cab to meet him at Walmart and he wouldn’t hear of me getting a cab home. We both knew Tim wouldn’t be around because he’d sent me a text during the afternoon to let me know all his things had been moved out and that he’d see me around. I was stunned really. We’d been together a few years and although I’ve wanted to end things for a lot longer than I care to admit, I was still surprised that he’d managed to move out during the morning and he would “see me around.”

“I’ll walk you inside.” Mason breaks into my musings, not giving me a choice, as he’s already running around and opening my door for me.

Grinning up at him, I offer him my hand. “A gentleman…with a dirty mind,” I observe as he pulls me out of the car.

“The dirtiest babe,” he chuckles slipping his hand up inside my dress to my naked bottom. “God, I can’t get enough of you.” He cups my face with his other hand, and leaning in, he kisses me. Not a kiss of hunger or possession, but a kiss saying that what’s between us is more than physical. “Let me come inside with you… I won’t stay the night, but I’m not ready to let you go just yet.”

I hesitate. It’s not that I don’t want him to come inside with me, I’m just nervous. It’s my personal space and I’m frightened of getting too close to him because, for once in my life, I feel as though he’s the only man with the power to break my heart, which doesn’t make sense.

“Hey, where’d you go?” Mason asks me, a frown covering his face.

“Sorry. This is just…different.” I nervously fidget with the strap of my sundress.

“If you don’t want me to come inside, that’s fine. I don’t want you to feel like I’m pressuring you.” He looks away and takes a few deep breaths before looking back at me.

I’ve upset him.

Wrapping my arms around his waist, I rest against his chest. “I want you inside my apartment. I’m just afraid that if this…thing…between us falls apart, and you’ve been inside my space it’ll hurt all the more.”

He holds me tight and rests his face against my head, kissing my hair. “I don’t know what to say,” he mumbles against me.

And maybe it’s that he doesn’t know, or that he isn’t pressuring me that I’m able to say, “C’mon, let’s go inside.”

I take his hand and give him a small tug to get him moving with me. “Just don’t expect to get between my legs. You can wait until tomorrow, but I’m going to be getting in them jeans. I haven’t tasted you yet so tonight it’s my turn,” I smirk when I look back and see the shock on his face.

“Holy fuck, babe. My dick’s excited with that idea, but do you think you can stay quiet until we get inside otherwise I’m not going to be able to walk.”

He’s heavily aroused behind his zipper, which has me full of excitement. I’ve never, in my life, teased anyone or been so outspoken about sex or a sexual act, and now I can’t stop. My pussy is throbbing with the thought of his cock, thick and pulsing because of my words and soon because of my mouth. The thought that he gets so aroused because of me is hot as hell.

Taking my key from my purse, I let us into my quiet apartment. Switching on the light, I notice that all Tim’s stuff really has disappeared.

“Are you, okay?” Mason asks, wrapping me up in his arms from behind. “If you’re not ready to have anyone else in here I can leave,” he says kissing my shoulder.

“I don’t want you to leave. I’m fine. Even though I knew he’d left it was a surprise seeing the room looking so bare. At least he left all the furniture.”

I shake myself out of my thoughts and lead Mason to the sofa. Pushing him down, I straddle his legs as I yank my sundress over my head, and toss it over my shoulder.

With his eyes on me, his hands slide slowly up from my thighs, to my hips and up my torso. I look to his groin and realize he’s huge and twitching behind his zipper. We can’t have that now can we?

Reaching out, I stroke along the bulge desperate for my touch to tease him before unfastening his jeans and letting him spring free.

He groans and jerks with excitement. Sliding his hand between my legs, he rubs his fingers between my pussy lips. I can feel my arousal coating his fingers and as he slips two fingers inside me I clench around them, moaning. Throwing my head back, I grip his knees behind me and start riding his fingers. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I wanted to pleasure him, which I’m going to do…soon.

“Baby…Christ,” Mason chokes. He starts rubbing my clit as his other hand starts to pinch and pull my nipples.

I’m so close! I thrash around on him as he inserts a third finger and I scream as my climax rips through me, not stopping. I collapse against him still shaking and squeezing around his fingers, the pleasure unstoppable. Biting down on his shoulder, he shudders and pushing me away from him, pinches the head of his cock.

God, that’s so hot. Seeing him with his hands on his throbbing shaft. He’s so damn long with a wide girth, but right now, he’s about ready to come. The flared crown is bright red and leaking pre-cum between his fingers. His head is resting on the back of the sofa with his eyes closed, but his shaft is still throbbing, still leaking. I grin. I can help him with that.

Sliding from his lap, I stand over him, and with his help, I get his jeans down his legs, but leave them around his ankles. On my knees, I lean in and lick from his balls up to the tip of his dick. Knocking his hand away, I swirl my tongue around the head, lapping up all his pre-cum.

He groans. “I’m not going to last. I’m so close after you coming all over me.” Mason arches closer to my mouth, and I don’t need him telling me twice.

Putting my hands on his hips, I take him into my mouth, massaging along his length with my tongue. His taste is intoxicating. Mason wraps my hair with his fingers and holds me gently to him.