
I’ve woken from a catnap to find Felicity in a deep sleep in my arms, so I snuggle her closer. I don’t want to ever be without this woman because she makes my life complete in ways that I never imagined. Reaching out, I softly caress one side of her face and closing my eyes, place a tender kiss to her forehead.

“You’re in love with my sister,” Blake whispers, and startled, I snap my attention to him.

I’d forgotten he was in the room with us, which is stupid considering he’s the reason we’re here.

Glancing back at Felicity, I answer, “Yes, I am.” I hold his gaze. “She means everything to me.”

He turns away first and stares blankly at the wall in front of his bed. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, considering…” he seems more resigned than angry, “but…I want you to promise me that no matter what happens to me that you’ll be there for her. She’s all I have, and I can’t fight this while worrying about her as well.”

I’m surprised by his request and already know what my answer is, but I tell him, “She’s mine, Blake, and I know it’s too soon to talk about a future together, but that’s where I’m heading with her. I need you to know that I’m not just passing time with her.” I smile as my eyes move back to the woman in my arms. “I love her”—I face Blake—“and one day soon, I hope you’ll both come back to Montana with me to meet my family.”

“She told me that you have a large family. She’ll love that.” Blake swallows and closing his eyes, sighs. “I’ve only ever wanted to keep her safe.”

“You have.” I laugh. “You kept her safe for me.”

He splutters and starts laughing. “You do realize that if I wasn’t laid out like this, that I’d make you work a hell of a lot harder for my approval?”

I nod with a small smile. “I anticipated that would be the case regardless.”

Glancing at Felicity, I notice her breathing has changed and I wonder if she’s awake, and listening. If she is awake then I’m glad she’s giving me these few minutes to talk to her brother.

He’s thoughtful. “She’s all I have,” he whispers. “I’m not stupid and not in the habit of walking in front of cars, but my career in the NHL is probably over, even though they’re not saying that…yet. I don’t have much to fall back on. I’m thinking about her, Kasey. She comes first with me. Always. That’s why I’m not going to be an asshole when it’s obvious how much you love her, and I know she loves you.”

I let the silence in the room surround us and thinking that Blake has fallen asleep, he startles me when he adds, “She wants to go to college. We didn’t get as far as discussing what she wants to do. But I have a feeling that it’s important to her.”

We haven’t discussed college or the future really, but we’ll certainly be having that conversation now that I’m aware. I’m a bit disappointed in myself for not already knowing this about her. I guess that’s why I have to remind myself that we’ve only been together forty-eight hours.

“You still awake?” I ask Blake because he looks out of it.

He turns his face in my direction. “I know I’m getting ahead of myself here, but I hope you know that wherever my life with Felicity takes us that you’ll always be welcome. She loves you. That means something to me.”

Hearing sniffling, I glance at the woman in my arms and softly smile when I see the tears in her eyes. She returns my smile, albeit watery.

Blake snorts. “She’s been awake at least ten minutes.”

She chuckles and pushes herself up on my lap. “More like six minutes.”

“You always have to argue,” Blake grumbles.

“And you always have to have the last word,” she counters, and is answered with her brother snoring.

“Geez, I’ve always wished that I could fall asleep as quickly as he does.” Felicity straddles my lap, and cups my whisker-covered jaw. “Did you mean everything you said to him?”

“Every word.” I softly kiss her, and ask, “Did he?”

“My brother usually says what he means, but what I overheard surprised me in a good way. I need him to be okay with us, Kasey. I would go against him to be with you, but it makes my worry less knowing that he’s okay with this. With us.”

Brushing the hair behind her ear, I smile. “I love you.” Letting my smile turn into a grin, I add, “Tonight we’re having dinner with my brother and his wife.”

Her eyes widen and then she laughs. “Get me while I’m distracted why don’t you.”

Tickling her sides, she wiggles around on top of me. With how my body is reacting to her, we need to stop, which we do when she drops down on me, knocking the air out of my lungs.

“Fucks sake, Felicity,” Blake curses. “Don’t do that shit in front of me. You’re still my baby sister…Fuck.”