
“Kasey,” Coach yells. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” He gets in my face and I’m not surprised because my performance on the ice this morning has been shit.

I sigh, knowing that I’m going to have to tell him about yesterday, which I didn’t want to do. It’s no secret that the Cleveland Flyers piss some of us off, and vice versa, but crap. I look around the ice and admit, “I was there yesterday when Blake Kelly got hit by that SUV.” I meet his stunned expression. “I helped and then went to the hospital with his sister and Roger Taylor.” I might as well admit the rest. “I offered them my place to crash so that they didn’t have the expense of a hotel while they wait for information on Blake.” I shrug, not yet ready to reveal that Felicity is mine.

Coach shakes himself and stares. “You did all that because Blake’s in the hospital? We are talking about the same man that has never had a good word to say about you?”

I slam my hands on my hips and glare. “I’m not an asshole. He’s unconscious with no feeling in his legs. His sister and friend needed a place to stay. I was there, so I offered. What the fuck is wrong with that?”

Coach narrows his eyes. “Nothing.” He smiles. “I’m just surprised.” He turns to head away and then turns back, thoughtful. “The sister’s pretty,” he comments, watching me closely, and then a smile spreads across his face. “Hmm…so that’s it.” He grins and shouts over his shoulder. “Take two days, then I want you back here with your head in the game. Big game coming up.”

“You fucking with Kelly’s sister?” Greg says eavesdropping, shock in his voice.

I turn slowly and face one of my teammates. “What’s it to you?”

“You are?” Tate mumbles.

“Jesus fuck! What is wrong with everyone,” I fume, shoving through them as I skate to the opposite side where I’d left my gear.

The first thing I do is check my cell for messages and smile when I find one from Felicity.

Still no feeling. He’s pissed. Blamed you. I shouted at him. He calmed down. Frustrated more than anything. <3

I shoot off a quick reply.

Be there soon. <3

“And another one bites the dust,” Diego drawls, and I have to blink a few times before I realize that it really is my brother standing in front of me.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I ask, really surprised, but happy to see him.

He wraps me in a bear hug, slapping me on the back. “A little birdy told my wife that, and I quote, ‘The love bug has bitten Kasey on the ass’. So we decided that a trip to the Big Apple was needed.”

“You’re shitting me?”

“Yeah, I am.” Diego grins. “Rae desperately wants to watch the Lion King on Broadway. She happened to mention to Andie about being here this weekend and that’s when Andie told her about the love bug.” He smirks. “So spit it out.” He folds his arms over his chest with a huge grin spreads across his face.

I roll my eyes and getting my blades off, slip my sneakers on. “I’ll introduce you guys, but don’t come on too strongly. Her brother was in an accident yesterday and he’s in the hospital. Can’t feel his legs, so they’re still running tests. She’s staying with me along with her brother’s friend.” I shrug as though it’s no big deal.

“I know you, Bro, and you’d help anyone out in the street, but you wouldn’t just have strangers in your place. She means a lot to you?”

“Yeah, she does.” I grin, and admit with a slight blush coating my cheeks, “I opened the closet a few times this morning just because her clothes were hanging up in there.”

He chuckles. “So Andie was right? She usually is.”

“Enough about me, where’s Rae?” I ask, gathering my bag and leading my brother outside into the cold, biting wind of New York.

“In bed.” Diego grins. “I tired her out.”

“Bro, not cool telling me that.” I shake my head.

“We’re still on our honeymoon.” He sighs. “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of that woman.” He gives me an odd sideways glance. “If this woman makes

your heart pound…If you need her to breathe, then don’t let her go because you won’t find anyone else like her.”

I blink and stare at my younger brother. “You’re full of surprises.” Opening my truck, I shove my gear in the back and wait for Diego to join me in the cab. “You staying in the hotel next door to me?”

“Yeah. Planned on staying at your place for all of two seconds, then decided I wanted my wife all to myself.”