Seeing her standing in my space makes me nervous as hell, which is totally stupid. No woman ever makes me this uneasy, but watching the young woman looking around with an anxious expression, I’m not sure what the fuck to do. So I blurt out, “Kasey, that’s my name.” I clear my throat with a choked cough and offer her an awkward but encouraging smile. “You going to tell me your name, or is it a secret?” I wink playfully, trying to lighten the mood and make her feel more comfortable.

She giggles, and the sound makes my cock continue to throb. It hasn’t really stopped since we first touched in the bar.

“I’m Felicity.” Her smile lights up her whole face and my mind goes blank. “You have a balcony,” she observes.

My brain scrambles to catch up. “Um, yes.” I laugh and her smile widens. “Let’s sit out there.” I take two quick strides toward the doors, and sliding them smoothly open, I usher her through. Quickly snagging two bottles of water from the mini bar, I drop my ass heavily into the double lounger. Lying back, I pat the space next to me and without hesitation, in fact I’d say with relief, she lies next to me—too far away though.

Smiling to myself, I reach out and pull her against me, and it appears that’s what she was waiting for as she snuggles into my side. Her head rests on my shoulder and one of her slim arms anchors warmly across my stomach. Any lower and she’d be able to feel the way my body reacts to her.

“Why,” she whispers, “do I feel as though I’ve known you forever, when it’s only been about ten minutes?”

I exhale. “I have no idea, but I do know that I feel exactly the same way. From the minute my eyes found you, I was drawn to you. I wanted to pound that harassing asshole into the ground.”

“Mmm,” she sighs. “I wish I could say that I can’t believe Bev told him that I wanted a good time with him, but I really can.”

“She isn’t a friend you want or need, honey.” I soothe her with soft strokes down the long tresses of hair that falls softly behind her.

“She isn’t really a friend to be honest. I try because she’s dating my brother, but in truth, he’d kill her if he knew what situations she puts me into.”

I pull her closer and rest my chin on the top of her head. “She doesn’t sound like a nice woman.”

Felicity gives an undignified snort, and then chuckles. “I can’t believe I did that.” She buries her face against my chest.

“Don’t be embarrassed. I loved hearing that sound coming from you.” Her face heats up as it turns red and I kiss the top of her head. “I’m serious, woman. Now tell me why your brother doesn’t see Bev for the woman she is.”

“She’s pretty on the outside and a nasty bitch on the inside, but of course my brother is a horny dick and only sees her boobs.”

I choke back a laugh. She tips her face up to mine, and smirks. “It’s true, and anyone with a brain above their waist can see that.”

“Do I get points if I admit that I never noticed her…attributes?” I trail a finger from her forehead to her lips, and admit, “I only saw you.” I smile softly as she blushes again.

Felicity grabs hold of my hand and kisses my palm before she wraps her hand around mine and rests it against my chest. “When I saw you watching me, I thought you had to be looking at someone else. No one ever looks at me the way you did.”

“Do,” I correct. “Only I’m allowed to look at you that way.” I cringe a little at how territorial I sound.

“I like the idea of that…so much…but—” she begins to mumble.

“No buts allowed tonight. Tonight it’s just you and me, and I’m hoping by morning that you’ll trust me with your phone number.”

“You might not want it by morning,” she replies sadly.

“Why wouldn’t I want it? I already know that whatever you tell me isn’t going to change the way you make me feel.”

“I’m nineteen,” she blurts, hiding her face against my chest. I’m beginning to think it’s a place she likes. “I can feel your heart racing.”

Closing my eyes, I try to calm down, but fuck, what the hell will she think when she knows my age?

“I told you,” she whispers softly.

My arms tighten around her. “I’m thinking and panicking at what you’ll think when I admit that I’m thirty-two.” I slide further down the lounger so that we’re face-to-face. “The connection was there from the minute my eyes found you in that crowded bar, and the difference in our ages isn’t going to stop me from wanting to be near you.” I kiss her on the nose. “Stop worrying about what I’m going to think, and tell me something about you, your family, or whatever you want to tell me.”

Her eyes search mine and the frantic beat of my heart gradually slows when she smiles and snuggles back into the warmth of my embrace.

I feel like I’m home with her in my arms and that I’m not floundering alone, which has been the case for a while now.

Her hand caressing back and forth along my chest and stomach is driving me crazy and makes my body want more.

“There’s only my brother and me,” she starts softly. “He’s an immature asshole most of the time, but I know that he loves me. It’s because of him that I didn’t end up in foster care when our parents died.” She sighs, nuzzling closer to my neck with her face.