Diego kisses me on the nose before he jumps from the bed. I openly grin at the erection poking up and out from his groin behind the thin gym shorts.

He offers me a beaming smile before he whispers through the door, “Quick shower, bro. I’ll meet you in the kitchen in ten.”

Kasey bumps the door and then we hear him shuffle away.

“I can’t come back to bed or I won’t be meeting Kasey.”

I smile and take the hand he offers to help me up. I pause, holding his gaze. “Are we really going to do this, Diego?” I question, softly.

“We are, and I’m going to hold you to it…I have to go back for another shift at the fire, but I’ll let you know when I’m free and we can meet up. I want to take you on a picnic.” He gently caresses my bottom lip with the pad of his calloused thumb and eventually cups my cheek. I lean into his touch. “Knowing that I’m going to be seeing you soon is going to keep me going.” He dips his lips, capturing mine in a light, loving caress, warming my heart in the process.

“As much as I hate to say this, but let’s get you back to your room before anyone sees us together.”

Nodding, I move to the door, only to have Diego grab me from behind. “I hope you know that I want to tell everyone, Rae. I’m not ashamed of us—”

“But—” I try to interrupt but he turns me to face him and silences me with a quick peck to the lips.

He softly smiles. “I’m going to keep quiet because you’ve asked me to and I understand but I just need you to know that you’re more to me than just a secret fling. I want everything with you.”

I gently cup his face to bring him closer. “I want you to know that if I didn’t think we’d hit trouble the minute someone finds out about us, I’d be shouting it too. I’m not ashamed to be seen with you, Diego. I just know that Andie and your mother wouldn’t see this between us in the same light that we do, not to even mention what everyone else would think.”

He gives me a quick kiss. “I get it, babe. Don’t worry.”

Opening his door, he sticks his head out and then ushers me through. He gets the final word with a smack to my butt as I leave.



“I can’t figure you out.” Kasey tilts his head to the side, narrowing his eyes.

I glare just as hard back except I’m the first to break for a change and laugh. “There’s nothing to figure out.”

The staring competition is something we’ve done since we were kids to see who would be the first to break—the scores pretty even.

“You’re lying.” He gets in my face. “You never make eye contact when you’re lying.” He smirks, proud of himself because he has me figured out. “You’re much perkier all of a sudden.”

I shove him on the shoulder, pushing him off balance briefly, and grin. “Yes I am,” I admit and start strutting toward the barn.

Kasey follows, not willing to give up. Why can’t he mind his own business so that I can get the two horses saddled for my picnic with Rae.

“Okay, I caught that. You’re grinning like an idiot…It has to be a woman.” Kasey folds his arms in front of him and stands with his feet apart. “But, you’ve only been working or you’ve been here,” he turns toward the house and back to me, “so it has to be…” His eyes widen. “Oh crap…seriously, bro? Mom is going to flip big time.”

My fists clench as I inhale, taking a step toward him. “Look, you have to keep this to yourself okay? I’ve wanted a chance with her since we first met, and she’s finally giving me one. I don’t want to blow it.”

Kasey hardens his stance all amusement gone from his face. “She really cares about you, bro.”

Running my hands through my messy hair, I pace away from Kasey and stand looking out toward the mountains. As Kasey moves to stand beside me, I admit, “She’s under my skin and for once in my life I’m afraid of screwing up. I can’t blow this chance, Kas.”

“You’re doing just fine.”

We spin around at the sound of Rae’s voice, and my heart picks up when I see her. She’s wearing skintight jeans with over the knee brown boots and a silky purple shirt…so beautiful.

She looks down at her feet, embarrassed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. You told me to meet you—”

“I know I did and it’s fine.” I offer her a wide smile as my excitement grows at her being in front of me.

“I’m going to go.” Kasey pats me on the back and as he’s passing Rae he gives her a playful shove with his shoulder.