I gasp and grab onto his wrist. “What?”

“Something happened at the bar in town and Diego got in the way of a knife. He’s going to be okay, but I guess Aiden freaked.”

My tears won’t stop as I cry, “Why wouldn’t he tell me? Why would he just look through me and then leave without a word?”

Greg sighs. “I don’t know.”

My arm hurts like a bitch but I’m not just going to stand here and do nothing. I don’t want to confront Aiden at the hospital, but I need to put everything behind me to be there for him.

“Will you take me to the hospital?” I ask Greg.

But what if he didn’t tell me because he doesn’t want me with him?

I hesitate, then shove my

feet into boots and let Greg and Matthew lead me to their truck.

Inside, I sit quietly while Greg drives, all the while my stomach is in knots wondering whether I’m doing the right thing. I mean, surely he’d have told me and asked me to go with him if he’d wanted me there, right?

Then I remember his last comment to the person on the phone. Aiden had told whoever it was to tell Rae he was on his way.

Fifteen minutes later Greg pulls up at the hospital.

“What’s with the frown?” Greg asks, lifting me from his truck.

“I think this is a bad idea.”

“No, it isn’t. He asked you to marry him, Sarah. He probably wasn’t thinking straight when he got the call about his brother…C’mon.” He takes my good arm and leads me across the parking lot and in through the main doors.

As we turn a corner toward the waiting room, my body freezes and my heart really does break when I spot Aiden running his hands through his hair seconds before Rae walks into his arms, offering the comfort that he should be taking from me.

I can’t get my feet to move as I watch him kiss the other woman on the top of her head.

Seeing the scene before me, I realize that he didn’t say anything to me because I’m not the one who he wants with him.

Backing up, Greg and Matthew look between us, and the anger Greg can’t hide is there on his face. “I’m sorry, Sarah. Let me get you out of here.”

He turns me to leave and I nearly walk into Mateo, his wife, and their sleeping daughter in the car seat.

“Sarah, it’s good to see you again.” Mateo frowns as Erin steps forward, and asks, “Is everything all right?” She glances behind us and back to me.

“I don’t know,” I admit.

Mateo smiles. “I believe congratulations are called for.”

I feel all the color leave my face as Greg slips his arm around me. I know everyone is now aware of Greg and Matthew, but it’s a shock to be congratulated for something that isn’t going to happen.

“Not anymore,” I whisper, and walk away at Mateo’s confusion.

I lean into Greg and ask Matthew, “Can I come and stay at your place for the rest of the night?”

“I’ve already told you, Sarah. You’re always welcome.” He smiles. “You don’t need to ask.”

I’m not sure what’s going on inside me at the moment. I just feel numb and know that I need to be away from all that is familiar.


Having Rae crying in my arms only makes me feel worse than I did when I arrived. But for wanting to get to my brother, I would have turned around and gone back for Sarah.