I totally believe that they’re just like siblings, especially after seeing them together over the past few weeks, but I’m annoyed at him and need to calm before I say something that I might regret.

“I’ll go,” Rae offers and frowns as she makes a quick exit.

Aiden gives me an odd look once she’s gone. “I’m not sure what’s going on, but Rae looked upset. Let me go and check on her. I’ll be back in a minute.”

As the door closes behind him, the tears run down my face. Rae isn’t the only one upset or in pain, but yet he left me to go after his best friend. At least he’s just shown me where his loyalty really lies, and what to expect if our relationship goes to that next step—the one I’ve just said yes to.



Sarah is in a right snit about something and she’s driving me crazy. I thought that once I had her home she’d snap out of it, but no.

She’s hardly spoken to me since I asked her to marry me, and all she has said has been in reply to my questions.

Her silence has me walking on eggshells, which is why I haven’t yet given her the ring I have for her, and it explains why I’m currently at the town bar.

I’m at a loss as to what to do to make her talk to me again. It would help if I knew why she’d gone quiet.

“Hey, bro, what brings you in here?” Kasey asks, sliding onto the stool next to me.

“Figured I’d give Sarah some time alone.” I stare straight ahead and knock my beer back.

“You had an argument?”


“What did you do then?”

“Who did what?” Rae asks.

My eyes widen as Diego appears behind her. I had no idea she was out with my brothers.

“He’s in the doghouse,” Kasey supplies. “And I’m helping him figure out why.”

“You don’t know, bro?” Diego asks, a stunned expression on his face.

“No, I don’t know. One minute all was okay and she said yes, and—”

“Wow, back up.” Kasey grabs my arm. “Yes to what?”

I sigh and finish off my beer before answering, and for once I’m glad that Rae stays silent.

“I asked her to marry me and she said yes.”

Kasey frowns. “So what happened after that?”

“You tell me.”

Rae pales and drops to the seat next to Kasey. “Oh God, I think I know why.”

All eyes turn to her.

“She was fine and happy until I arrived and started going on about the ring. She probably thinks that I helped you choose it.”

“You did,” I add.

Diego starts laughing and shakes his head. “You’re an idiot. I might be the happy bachelor but even I know that it isn’t cool to take another chick to buy an engagement ring for someone else.” Diego chuckles again and walks away, but not before I notice the pissed look directed at Rae.