Softening the kiss, I smile at Sarah and whisper, “Rae’s here.”

Sarah blushes and groans, her eyes going to the table that I just had her for breakfast on.

I have no shame and smirk, feeling so damn tall, and shout in answer to Rae. “In the kitchen.”

In a fast move, Sarah grabs my balls and gently squeezes. “These are mine.” Letting me go, she steps back and I adjust myself before Rae gets more of a glimpse of me than she ever expected.

“Morning,” Rae greets and looks between the two of us. She grins. “I can come back another time if you’re, um, busy.”

I slap a quick kiss to Sarah’s lips and turn to Rae. “Minutes earlier and you’d have gotten an eye full of my bare ass, but we’re good now.” I end up laughing and get a smack on my arm from Rae.

“Don’t be a dick,” she nudges me out of the way. “Sarah”—she quickly hugs her—“I do believe there has been too much gossip that’s been heard and I hope you’ll please ignore it from now on. I do love Aiden, but as an annoying younger brother…I

can assure you that he’s all yours.” She grins. “And I hope that he really is all yours because he’s been a pain in the ass these past few weeks.”

I watch Sarah as her gaze takes in Rae and my breathing finally eases when Sarah smiles and the doubt disappears from her face. “I shouldn’t have let the gossip cause any doubt on Aiden’s words.” She meets my gaze. “I’m sorry for that.”

I smile and want to ease the tension in the room so I tug Sarah into my arms and hold her close. Kissing her forehead, I say, “There’s nothing to be sorry for. It’s all over with now and I got my girl, so I’ve come out the winner.”

“Oh boy, Aiden,” Rae starts. “I hope one day I find someone who says mushy shit to me.”

I roll my eyes at Rae and let Sarah go when she starts mumbling about breakfast, which reminds me…

“Speaking of someone…” I stare at Rae and notice a blush creep into her cheeks. “What is going on between you and my brother?”

Rae sits at the kitchen table and I pour her a cup of coffee and wait while she avoids my gaze. “Rae?”

Sarah pours pancake mix onto the griddle and I move closer to her, brushing the hair back from her face and kissing her cheek. Her warm body leans into me.

With one hand on Sarah’s hip, I face Rae again. “I’m still waiting.”

“You’re not going to let this go, are you?”

I shake my head. “Nope.”

“I’m not sure what’s going on to be honest. The hug in the kitchen was unexpected.”

“There’s something there though?” I push, wanting more of an answer. “I felt it just by seeing you both together…I also have to say that Diego surprised me, not just with the way he held you, but because he never shows emotion like what I saw. It was brief, but I know my brother and it was there.”

Rae looks at me and I realize I’ve given away what my brother probably wanted to hide from her. “It doesn’t matter, Aiden.” She offers a wry smile as I feel Sarah wrap her arms around my waist. “Diego isn’t really into me. I mean, how can he be when there’s fifteen years between us? He can’t be.” She looks into her coffee and I meet Sarah’s gaze.

Sarah shakes her head and clears her throat. “These pancakes are about done, let’s eat before they go cold.”

I agree and help Sarah get the plates and everything ready and sit beside her at the table.

“Aiden tells me you have a daughter?” Sarah asks Rae.

Rae smiles and her whole face lights up. “Andie. She’s in college and is the best thing that I’ve ever done in my life so far. I really can’t wait to show her the house.” She smiles. “I’ve never put down roots with her before, so she’s about as excited as I am when I told her.”

“Well, you’ve certainly chosen a great town to settle in,” Sarah adds.

I smile to myself because the woman I love and want to be my wife is finally getting along with the woman I love as a sister. I just pray this lasts because I sure as hell don’t want to be apart from Sarah again like before.

“How old is she, if you don’t mind me asking?”

Rae laughs. “I don’t mind. She’s twenty-three and coming to the end of a four year program, so I can’t wait to have her home. We’re best friends when she’s home, and I miss her like crazy when she’s away.”

“I think I would too,” Sarah adds.