On a growl, he started to thrust back and forth inside her pliant walls. He was sucked inside on each thrust, and wrapped in the soft warmth of her snug channel that didn’t seem to want to let him retreat.

He felt her orgasm as it crept up on her. It fluttered along his cock until he thought he’d lose his mind with lust.

As she started to ground down on him, his cock was wrapped in a sensation that had started a fire in his balls. He couldn’t hold back any longer.

With one final thrust, he stayed buried all the way inside to her cervix and growled through an intense release as she continued to ripple around him. He held her still by her hips, as he slowly pumped back and forth to prolong the pleasure for both of them.

When it was over, and he pulled from her tight sheath, his release followed and trickled down to her ass. His eyes darkened with newfound lust as he watched his jizz. He’d come so hard that she was a mess, but he found he didn’t give a shit. He loved her being covered with him. It was primitive. She’d been claimed.

* * * * *

“Are you sure you’ve had enough to eat,” Eric asked her for the fourth time in as many minutes.

The breakfast that he’d been preparing before things between them had gotten out of hand had been eaten, and he had no excuse to keep her with him when she was expected at work.

He rubbed at his brow not liking the idea of her being away from him, which was stupid. He didn’t like feeling possessive, but after that morning on the counter, he didn’t want her to leave. She’d probably laugh her sexy ass off if she knew the way his thoughts had gone.

“Stop trying to fill me up. I’ve eaten more than I usually do.” Sylvia reached up on tiptoes and planted a kiss to his lips before she used her thumb to wipe the lipstick from them. “I enjoyed what you made. It’s been a while since I had more than a bowl of cereal, or a cereal bar at my desk with coffee when I run late.” She glanced at her slim gold watch attached to her wrist. “Like I am now,” she observed but made no move to leave.

His hands itched to take hold of her again, but he knew she wouldn’t make it out of the door if he touched her. She took the decision out of his hands. With a smirk she closed the gap between them, and after a nibble on his earlobe, whispered, “I’m going to be wet all day thinking about you, and what you did to me.” His lobe was licked before she pulled away, and he was left stunned at her teasing.

She grabbed her purse and grinned when she glanced over her shoulder at his frozen self.

“You liked that idea, huh?”

Swallowing to try to bring moisture to his dry throat, he coughed before he managed, “What guy wouldn’t?”

With a serious expression covering her face, she admitted, “I’ve never been like this before. Where I want to say naughty things to see how you’ll react. I know where I work in the evenings says I’m dirty, but I’m really not. I’ve always been shy with others, even Talya. You’re different, and I’m not sure what to make of that.”

“One,” he stepped into her space, “you are not dirty, and working at the club does not give you that stigma. Most girls who work at those places do it for the money and because of the thrill. Don’t even demean yourself like that. It pisses me off that you’re on display for those horny fuckers to get off on, in fact it makes me see fucking red. But with me, I want you open and honest. I don’t like liars, and no matter how you think I’ll react to something, I will always want your honesty, Sylvia.”

“That goes both ways.” Her hand crept up his chest, and a finger with a manicured pink nail swirled through his chest hair, which didn’t help his arousal any.

“I’m always honest—sometimes brutally so. Which is why I’m going to tell you that you scare the crap out of me.”

Her eyes widened in surprise. He knew she hadn’t expected those words to ever leave his mouth.

“You scare me because you’re under my skin. Every time I close my eyes you appear, even when I’d rather you didn’t.” He sighed and the longing in his eyes made her melt against him but he pushed her away gently before he finished. “I can’t pick you up tonight as I promised Zane we’d hook up, but tomorrow night I can.”

Sylvia nodded as she tried to hide her excitement over seeing him again soon. “I don’t want to hurt you, and I’m going to try hard not to, but this, with you, is a first for me.” He smiled. “So go easy on me.”

She chuckled, and reached for his groin, which bulged behind his zipper. “Does that mean I

get free access to you, and what’s beneath these clothes?” She squeezed and his eyes rolled into his head with pleasure.

She was dangerous. No other woman had ever aroused him as quickly or as hotly as the woman who had his family jewels in her hand.

“You haven’t answered my question.” She kissed his jaw and started to move down his neck with her teeth when he felt his zipper go down and her fingers stroked part of his bare cock.

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her away. “We can’t,” he hissed between gritted teeth. “I have to get you home to change before work and we’re cutting it close.”

She quickly fastened his zipper and made sure nothing got stuck, but her face had lost the previous glow from his words.

He cupped her face with his hands and kissed her brow. “What I really want to do is strip you naked and keep you in my bed all day,” he sighed, “but I can’t do that.” He kissed her quickly on the lips and stepped back to grab his keys. “Let’s go before all my good intentions fly out the window.”

Sylvia hesitated before following him from the apartment. At the elevator doors, she asked, “Are you sure you’re free tomorrow evening?” Her voice didn’t sound all that confident, which he should expect considering he’d always pushed her away before.

“I promise, Sylvia. We have a date tomorrow and nothing is going to stop me from seeing you.” Their fingers intertwined as they stepped into the elevator.