How the hell could she refuse him?

She nodded, and offered a wry smile as he moved slightly away while she ordered her drink.

Pumpkin spiced latte in hand, she smiled and watched Eric from under her lashes as he led her outside to a table in the shade.

Eric held a chair out, and once she was seated, he dropped into the one beside hers. She had expected him to sit opposite, but she should have known better.

“How old are you?”

Her eyes widened in surprise at his question, but she answered, “Twenty-five.” She took a long drink, and asked, “How old are you?”

Eric smiled. “A lot older than you,” he sighed, “not just in years.” Something dark passed across his face. “I’m thirty-seven,” he admitted. “Too old for you.”

He hadn’t sounded too happy about that. Age hadn’t stopped him from taking her with him the other night. Sylvia felt like they’d had a real connection and it wasn’t just sex. With thoughts of that night fresh in her head, she teased, “Twelve-years older isn’t a lot…besides, think of all the things you could teach me.”

She smirked knowing he hadn’t expected a comeback from her. Everyone thought of her as ‘soft Sylvia’, when she was anything but. Eric should know that by now considering the night they’d spent together.

“Seen much of Ramon?”

She was surprised by his drastic change of subject. But as she watched him, he sat back and looked relaxed. She didn’t miss the flex of his fist as he rested his hand on top of his thigh.

So he wasn’t as relaxed as he’d like her to think.

He spread his legs and knocked into Sylvia’s. Instead of moving out of the way, she stayed against him and enjoyed the feel of his thigh against hers, and what that did to her body. The tingles shot up her thighs and exploded between her legs.

She wiggled to ease the ache he’d created and felt like smacking him upside the head when a satisfied grin appeared on his handsome face.

“I’ve seen Ramon.”

Eric didn’t have to know that Noah was with him as well.

“He came to my apartment for dinner a couple of nights ago.”

Eric turned to look at her, and his eyes burned. He made her nervous when he was like that. No one had ever looked at her as though they wished she belonged to them. She guessed he looked at her as though he was jealous.

Sighing, she knew she’d have to tell him the truth, at least if she wanted to encourage him. She stared into his eyes and decided that she did. He sometimes appeared vulnerable, and the way he looked at her, although it frightened her, she found it, and him, was exciting.

“I shouldn’t be here.” Eric stood and hovered over her. “I wish…I wish…” he turned away. “It doesn’t matter.” He turned back and that one look told her she’d hurt an amazing man. “Be careful, Sylvia.”

She didn’t think, “Wait!” she exclaimed and jumped up after him, grabbing his arm. “There’s nothing between Ramon and me,” she rushed out. “There never really was. When he told me about him and Noah, I wasn’t upset. If anything I was really happy for them. I’m being honest with you, Eric.” She sighed. “He isn’t the one I can’t get out of my head.”

She held his stare as he stepped into her. He curved his arm around her waist, as she reached up and held on to his biceps, they quivered under her fingers.

A shiver raced down her spine when he rubbed his whisker-covered jaw against the side of her face, and her panties melted when he whispered, “All I’ve been able to do since the other night is taste you. And smell you on my sheets. I spent the rest of the weekend hard as fuck.”

She let her lips caress his jaw. “Mmm…did you finish yourself off? Because I would have watched.”

As his breath caught, she placed a kiss to the strong jaw.

“You’re playing with fire, little girl,” he growled, tugging her closer.

She smiled against his heated skin. “There’s nothing little about me,” she rubbed against his erection, “or you.”

“Fuck, Sylvia.” He turned and dropped his forehead against hers. His hands flexed on her body as she plastered herself against him. “I didn’t intend on putting my hands on you again, but, I can’t resist. You’re too sweet for me.” He looked pained.

“You’re just the man I need,” she countered. How could he think she was too sweet for him? Eric was in need of someone sweet to take care of him—his ‘manly’ needs. But he was getting under her skin to the point that she’d like to be more than a notch on his bedpost.

Eric took a deep breath, and then another, before he pushed her away from him. She glanced down and saw the hard ridge in his slacks. He gave a kind of choked laugh, and rearranged himself. A slight blush coated his cheekbones.