Claire laughed and it sounded good to his ears. “He did. I told him that I’d tease you about her...I miss him, Logan. So much.”

“I know.” He tugged her against his side and walked her up the porch steps to the rocking chairs he’d spotted. “How are you really doing?” He smiled as he sat beside her. “And don’t just say ‘fine’, which is all you’ve been saying over the phone.”

“It’s difficult. I keep expecting to see him walk up the front path even though I know that isn’t going to happen. I’m not as bad as I was at first, but some days, I feel more numb than others. It helps having Alice.” She shrugged, and looked off toward the barn. “I’m happy for you, Logan.” She met his gaze, changing the subject. “You’ve been alone for a long time, and you’ve needed a good woman by your side.” She smiled, softly. “Matt would have ridden your ass about her for years. You know that, right?”

“I know. I would have deserved it as well considering how much I rode his about you...often.” He chuckled.

“I can imagine...I was really nervous when you called saying you were going to visit. But now, I don’t know why I was. I feel just as comfortable with you as I always did. Matt thought of you as his brother, and loved you like one, just like I do...what I’m trying to say is that I don’t want you to be a stranger, Logan. I know it’s going to be difficult to be around us without Matt, just like it will be for us, but you’re family.” Claire reached out and clutched his hand.

Although it still hurt and probably always would, it felt good to sit with Claire and talk, which is how he found the strength to promise Claire, “I’ll always be here if you need me, and even when you don’t,” he grinned, “but I need you to know that I won’t just be doing it because of a promise that I made to Matt. You’re both family to me as well, and I need you to understand that.”

Claire nodded. “Tell me what your plans are with Emma.”

“I should have known you wouldn’t let the Emma conversation pass.” He chuckled.

“You’re avoiding the subject.” She smirked.

“I’m not really...She’s amazing Claire, and she’s such a talented writer, and Matt was right. I did fall in love with her through her letters, but I love the real woman now. We’re going to find somewhere to live together to see my twenty out and then we can settle anywhere...and yes, I’m going to marry her...I haven’t asked her yet, so don’t give my plans away.” He laughed at how much he was saying. Usually he didn’t share information with people, but if you can’t share your happiness with your family, who could you share it with?

“I won’t, and I better receive an invite to your wedding.”

“You will...sis.”

At his words, Claire sniffled and dabbed at her tears. “Ignore me. Let’s go to the stables and you can introduce me to Emma.”

I’d like that.”

Chapter 25

New Year had come and gone a week ago as Emma stood in the living room of their temporary home. Logan had been back on base for that week, and they’d signed a ten-month lease for the house the day before. The afternoon had been spent with moving their belongings inside. They didn’t have all that much stuff, but she discovered just how much she loved setting up home after their trip to home depot.

She had plans to romance her handsome man to celebrate their new home, which was why they’d turned his friends invite to meet for drinks down. Logan had told her that they might go down to his favorite bar when he was ready to share her. He wanted to introduce her to some of his buddies and their wives so that she wasn’t so alone when he was on base.

She liked the idea, but she was more of a loner, which was why she’d get lost in her own stories.

As she thought about her next book, she spotted Logan watching her from the kitchen. “Hey babe, what’s up?” Emma asked as he closed the distance between them.

“Nothing’s least, not yet.” He grinned.

Emma rolled her eyes, and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I want to dance with you in here before the furniture arrives tomorrow,” she offered a wicked grin, “and we’ll see how long it takes to get it up.” She smirked.

He laughed. “It won’t take long for us to christen the house.”

“That I do believe...give me a minute.” She pulled out of his arms, and fiddled with her cell while she felt his eyes on her.

She’d pulled a long shirt on after her shower, and she felt his eyes wander up and down her legs.

She loved to tease him, and he was about to be one lucky guy.

Setting her cell phone down as soft music played from it, she wrapped her arms around Logan’s neck as his arms went around her waist and pulled her close. Just the feel of him against her had arousal coursing through her body. She smiled when his hands slipped to her bottom and gripped her shirt. As he pulled the shirt higher, he dipped down with a hand and caressed her naked bottom.

He growled and pulled her leg up to his hip, which had her wide open as she rubbed against the bulge behind his zipper.

She bit his lobe and delighted when he hardened even more.

“Emma,” he growled, “you have me acting like a horny teenager.”