“Nothing much.” Emma sighed and let Logan shove her into a chair at the table before he sat in the remaining one. “She just wasn’t her welcoming self.”

Emma loved how Logan constantly had to touch her—whether it was a hand on her thigh, or to wrap a lock of hair around his finger. She loved it, and was disappointed that her brother had interrupted them before anything else had happened. Everyone had to sleep at some point, so there was hope for them yet.

“Travis? Can I ask you something that you’ll keep to yourself?”

Her brother stopped eating and looked between them before he nodded. “You know that I don’t gossip.”

“This is harder than I thought,” Emma said, her lip quivering.

Logan held her hand and asked the question for her, “Do you think your mom had something to do with Emma and I not receiving each other’s letters?”

Travis’s eyes widened before he became thoughtful. “So,” he frowned, “am I correct in presuming that you both wrote to each other over the time and neither of you received anything?”

“Correct,” Logan answered.

Travis whistled. “I’d be very surprised if Mom had something to do with your lack of mail, but, I guess, you can’t rule it out.” Travis glanced at Logan, and held his gaze before he stared out of the window. It was as though he was trying to decide on what he was going to say. Finally, he said to Emma, “You know how Mom was about you writing to him, especially while you dated Seth. Perhaps she does know something, but I wouldn’t assume until you’ve asked her.”

“I know, but Mom’s changed. A couple of years ago she couldn’t wait to marry us off, and now it’s as though she wants to keep me at home.”

“You’re nothing like Mom described,” Travis said to Logan, and laughed. “Think she might need new glasses.”

Emma had had enough. “Travis this isn’t funny.”

“I know it isn’t.” He got to his feet, the mousse forgotten. “I’m going to leave you alone, and I’ll tell Mom that you’re asleep in my room. No one needs to know otherwise. At least that should buy you some privacy. But tomorrow is a new day, and you need to go home and sort everything out.”

Emma enjoyed the warmth of her brother’s arms as he hugged her close. “I love you, sis.”

“I love you too, and thank you.”

Travis shook Logan’s hand. “I’m trusting you to look after my sister.”

“You have no worries there. Emma means everything to me. She’s safe.”


Travis headed for the door, and said over his shoulder with a nod toward the package he’d brought in, “I’m damn proud of you, Emma,” with raw emotion in his voice. He cleared his throat. “I’m leaving you a present...R. Logan.” He smirked, and let the door slam shut behind him.

Emma was too stunned to move. How the hell did Travis know her big kept secret? Her eyes fixed on the package that he’d left by the door but she couldn’t move.

“Do you want me to get it?”

Emma nodded.

Logan grabbed the package.

“What’s inside?” she asked, feeling nervous.

Logan pulled out a copy of her newest book.

“I guess it’s safe to say that he knows about you, and that he’s proud of you for this.”

Logan pulled her into his arms and held her close. “Don’t worry about it. Let’s get these dishes outside the room so that we aren’t disturbed again.”

Emma nodded. “Good idea. I think I’ll shower before getting into bed.”

Logan groaned. “God woman! Are you trying to kill me? Imagining you naked while soap and water run over your flesh is arousing as fuck.”

“Who said anything about imagining? I want you just as naked in the shower with me.” She smacked him on his rump as he put the tray of empty plates outside their room.