The door handle turns and I’m shoved forward.

“What the heck,” I shout.

My statement is followed with silence, and then, “Robin?”

I meet Leo’s stunned gaze and watch as he blinks and stares again.

I narrow my eyes at the impression he gives of being surprised to see me, when in fact I’d bet a month’s salary he’s at Kix because of me.

“You’re here.” He frowns. “I wasn’t sure I’d see you while I was here, especially, um, in the storeroom.”

Leo quickly turns when a throat is cleared behind him. I move closer and spot Ryder leaning against the wall facing us.

“I can’t believe you two are in here already. You”—he points at me—“have only just started working here.”

My face heats with embarrassment as Leo turns and watches me. I smooth my hands down my pink shirt and jeans before I slip past Leo, careful that I don’t brush up against him, and give Ryder a kiss on the cheek. “I was looking for something,” I say as Ryder wraps an arm around my shoulders.

I turn to look at Leo, and add, “Why were you in there?”

Leo reaches inside, pulling out a pack of napkins. “Just used the last one of these.” He saunters away, and I find it difficult to tear my eyes away from his ass.

When I finally do, it’s to meet the amusement in Ryder’s. He clears his throat, which is obviously more to hide laughter than anything else. “Do I need to show you the ropes?” Ryder drawls as he keeps his arm around my shoulders and moves us into the main part of Kix.

“No. Just tell me where you want me.” I leave myself open to be placed behind the bar with Leo as I watch him serve a beer to the man sitting in front of him.

“I think for now just wipe some tables down and take orders. Numbers are on the tables, so don’t forget to note the table, okay?”

“I can do that.”

“Good. Leave the order with Leo but keep watch for when Leo’s filled it.”

I nod and can’t wait to start work. It’s my first adult job and I’m excited about that fact. I know a lot of the locals, so it shouldn’t be too difficult unless I get one of the cranky old guys.

As Ryder finishes talking, he kisses my cheek and glances at Leo before sighing and shaking his head. “Trouble,” he mumbles under his breath. “I’m going home to my family, but I’ll be around later for a short while if you need anything.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be fine with Leo,” I reassure my brother-in-law, at least I think that’s what I’m doing, and not trying to reassure myself.

“That’s what I’m worried about.” He chuckles and walks off.

I watch him go when my gaze collides with Leo’s frown as he also watches Ryder.

What is he thinking?

Sighing, I figure it’s easier to get our initial conversation out of the way before there are too many witnesses.

The minute I start moving toward the bar, Leo’s eyes hold mine and my whole body comes alive with tiny pinpricks of desire rolling through me. I gulp and try to just breathe as I wait for him to join me at the end of the bar, away from the two customers currently chatting over beers.

My heart beats rapidly, feeling like it will pound out of my chest, and when Leo leans across the bar, my gaze focuses on his full lips, and the tongue that he slips between them. “You’re friendly with the married owner.”

My eyes widen at his comment and I stutter before admitting, “Ryder is married to my half-sister, Dahlia. He’s family.”

If I hadn’t been watching him closely, I would have missed the brief flash of relief that flickers in his eyes. “That’s good to know.”

“Why are you here, Leo?” I blurt, and feel my cheeks heat.

“It’s not that far from school,” he answers, searching my gaze. “Figured I’d hang around town during the holidays as I had nowhere else to go.” He shrugs as though it’s no big deal, but I can see that it is as he looks away.

“I missed you around campus,” I surprise him with my bold statement, but not as much as I surprised myself.