I close my eyes and inhale, I slowly exhale before I meet Jace’s amused gaze. “Not a word.” I shake my head. “She’s an employee and so far has been treated accordingly. So let’s leave it at that.”

“If you say so,” Jace drawls.

“I do.” I glare so he knows I really am done with that conversation, and ask instead, “How’s the new job?”

His face lights up with excitement. “It’s not that new now, but it’s so much more than I expected.” Jace turns and rests his arms on the bar.

I move behind to get myself a beer. The only one I’ll be drinking since I’m driving us home later.

“The kids already have a lot of talent,” Jace pauses, “there’s one or two, that providing they stay on the right track, will be drafted. They’re damn good and even give me a run for the money.”

Jace is the assistant coach for a college baseball team, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him as content in a job since he lost his lower leg as he is now. It’s good to see and makes me feel good.

“Have you talked to Dahlia yet about extending this place to add a restaurant?” Jace asks.

It’s been at the back of my mind for a while now, but so far I’ve yet to mention it to Dahlia. She’s not going to be happy when she learns I’ve held back from her. It hasn’t been my intention to do that, it’s just something I wanted to spend more time thinking out before I talked to her about my idea. I want my idea to be strong in my head and not a jumbled mess. Dahlia will agree, I know that, but I don’t want the idea to appear half-cocked.

“I’m planning on talking to her in the New Year once I have more of an idea as to what my vision is.”

“Well, that makes sense. Just don’t leave it too long or she won’t be happy,” Jace offers advice. “Trust me on that. Savannah was upset when she realized I was unhappy at the other job and I hadn’t told her. I didn’t tell her until I had the assistant coach job. She wasn’t happy, even though she tried to hide the fact so that she wouldn’t ruin my excitement at the new one.” Jace smiles softly toward his wife. “It all worked out and we celebrated, but I hated that I hurt her, you know?”

I meet Dahlia’s eyes, and very slowly she stands and moves toward me.

“Oh, I know that look,” Jace chuckles, and heads toward his own wife while I keep my gaze on mine.

Before I move out from behind the bar, I rearrange my cock that aches with the need to be buried between Dahlia’s thighs. That feeling never gets old, and I hope it never does.

“I do believe you promised me one-on-one time in your office,” Dahlia purrs as she rubs herself against me.

“I did.” I grab hold of her hips, keeping her against me when I blink at the sight of the man walking toward us from over her shoulder.


“Hold that thought a minute.” I wrap an arm around Dahlia and pull her to my side while facing our unexpected visitor.

“Ryder. Dahlia,” Evan greets. “I hope you don’t mind me being here.”

I frown but say, “You know you’re welcome here, Evan. I never had a problem with you…most of the time anyway.”

“I know.” His gaze moves across the room.

Something seems to be bothering Evan, and I wonder if that’s why he’s really here. “Do you need to talk?”

“Not really.”

I follow his stare and realize he’s watching Jessie talking to Adam. My frown deepens when Evan is obviously distracted by her. “You know Jessie?”

“Met her the other night,” Evan says, not really paying attention to me.

Dahlia clears her throat and Evan breaks his distracted gaze.

“She isn’t happy with a date her mom set up the other night. He appeared then too,” Evan explains, looking worriedly at Jessie. “I don’t blame her really.” Evan offers a wry smile, and changes the subject, “I think I’m going to be here a bit longer. In fact, I think we all are.”

Immediately I know what he’s talking about. “The snow?”

He nods. “It’s deep. Going to take time to dig the trucks free.” He shrugs. “You might want to go check, because I’m guessing you might want to close the bar and offer folks the choice of risking it or staying here.”

“Shit!” My heart sinks because that means it really is bad. “I guess the original forecaster was correct with the bad snow conditions, huh?”