I place my hand on his chest. “No, he is not harassing her. He really likes her, just like she does him. He’s hung in there and they’re just going to hang out this morning.”

“Not in my house.” Reece folds his arms in front of his chest and narrows his gaze. “You said it was okay for him to come here?”

I should have known that no matter what I threaten him with that it won’t end well. My anger is close to the surface but it will have to stay there with Ben in earshot. “As I recall this is my home as well.” I raise a brow. “Robin is your sister and she wants to bring a young man here whom she’s interested in. There is nothing wrong with that.”

“I don’t want him around her.”

The stubborn ass!

“Well I do.” I turn on my heel and disappear into the kitchen. I need a minute or maybe ten.


I slowly turn to face him and let him see how upset I really am. “I can’t keep doing this, Reece,” I admit, sadly. “I love you, but the way you are with your sisters hurts me. It’s as though you can’t think about anyone else but them once they’ve met someone. It’s unreasonable. I’ve gotten to the point where I can’t handle the stress of you like this. You need to stop. Here and now. I want you to promise me that you’ll let it go. You’ll meet Leo and be pleasant instead of an arrogant jerk because he’s with your sister.”

He hasn’t heard a word that I’ve said. “I can’t.” Reece turns when he hears Ben shout for him. “Ben needs me.” He heads back to our son.

I turn and head upstairs to our room, and through to the bathroom. I close the door before I give way to the tears that threaten. I’m not usually so quick with my emotions, but as my hand presses gently against my stomach, I realize that the pregnancy hormones have started flowing through my body rather strongly. Reece has no clue where my emotions are at or why. He hasn’t even asked me about my visit to the doctor because he is too distracted with his sister to really pay me any attention.

Usually he’d have been there with me, but instead, he’d wanted to talk to Robin, so he had sent me on my merry way.

He knows that he hurts me when he acts this way. It’s like a switch being flipped, and while it’s in the on position it’s as though I don’t exist.

I slide down to the floor and cry. I cry until there are no more tears left inside of me. I cry until I have to move from the floor to grab a glass of water for the hiccups that have started to cause me pain.

My hands grip the edge of the basin as I raise my head and stare at myself. For the first time since I’ve started to feel unwell, I actually look sick instead of glowing with happiness.

My eyes are red rimmed against my pale face, which I usually hide behind an application of foundation. I hate wearing makeup and Reece also hates me wearing it. He hasn’t even noticed. It has only been a couple of days since he’s gotten all up in Robin’s business and usually I’m more calm and collected. Well, there would be shouting, but usually I can snap him out of it before it really is too late. This time, I just want to climb into bed and wake up when I’m over the roughest time to find Reece has calmed down and our life is back to normal. Reece is supposed to be the one person that I can always count on. Now, I feel sad for myself because he isn’t giving me the time of day.


“What’s wrong with Callie?” is the first thing out of Robin’s mouth as she joins Ben and me outside.

I ignore my younger sister because I know that she’ll say anything to take the attention off her and the man who stands by her side. I glare at him and when he glares just as hard back, I’m surprised to feel an ounce of respect for him. He doesn’t cower like I’m used to with the boys my sisters have showed up with in the past.

Callie asked me to promise not to be an overbearing dick, so I can do that…for now. Holding my hand out, I offer, “Reece.”

He seems surprised, and narrows his eyes. He places his hand inside of mine. “Leo Williams.”

That went well. Callie would be proud. I didn’t even squeeze the life out of his hand. The thought doesn’t count.

“Reece,” Robin snaps once she has Ben in her arms. “I’m serious. What’s wrong with Callie?”


Robin gives me the evil glare that only a sister can give, and questions, “Are you sure? Because she didn’t seem herself.”

“We had a disagreement before you got here. She’ll be fine.”

“Hmm.” Robin introduces Ben to Leo and before I know it my son is holding Leo’s hand and leading him inside the house to look at his train set.

The minute the door closes behind them Robin faces me. “Did you argue with Callie because she told you that I was bringing Leo with me?”

I’ve had enough of trying to protect everyone, and it makes me damn tired. It pains me and makes me angry because I know that I’m hurting Callie, yet I can’t stop. Callie and Ben really are my world, but since my dad left years before, I’ve always felt that it was up to me to make sure that my sisters stay safe. It has been so ingrained into me to do that. I know I went overboard.

“Reece, Callie looked really upset. She didn’t look good. She actually looked sick.” Robin glances at the house and back to me. “Please go and check on her and stop being blind to what’s going on in front of your face.” Robin disappears back into the house and leaves me staring after her.

I glance up to my bedroom window and see that the drapes have been pulled closed. What is going on with Callie? Surely it isn’t just because I’ve been an ass over Robin. Is it?