Page 4 of Puck Daddy

“Daddy!” Ferguson jumps off the stool. They fight their way through the c

rowd, appearing in his arms when Tristan stands back up straight.

“You guys good?”

They both nod in unison as they stare at their dad, and it’s clear they have a good relationship with him. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have been so excited to see him. Obviously, Tristan’s relieved to know they’re safe, and he holds his hand to his chest.

“Isobel just left us here!”

He raises an eyebrow as a couple of fans try to get his attention. No doubt for an autograph.

He looks so different in person. He’s even more attractive, and seeing the way that he’s looking at those kids, so relieved that they’re safe, I find myself captivated by him. Somehow, knowing that he’s a single daddy—and a good one, if my first impression is accurate—makes him even more appealing. He lifts up Ferguson as if he weighs nothing, then Darcy. His jeans seem to fit him perfectly, and I find myself imagining him picking me up the same way.

And that’s where my mind goes, just watching as he talks to those kids. I’m not following the conversation closely, as I try and serve customers at the same time. The crowd is getting smaller though, as he becomes the main attraction. No longer does anyone want popcorn. They just want a piece of Tristan Wright.

“Hey. Faith, is it?”

I hadn’t seen him move past the crowd of people and come up to the canteen. I nod my head, finding it impossible to speak. As soon as I’d come back from trying to catch up with the nanny, I introduced myself and told the kids that their dad would be here soon to pick them up. They’ve obviously told him my name. I need to get over being star-struck and say something, but it’s hard when the captain of the Arizona Cats is trying to hold a conversation with you. The captain of the Arizona Cats.

“The kids say that you’ve been looking after them. Thank you for that, by the way.” He offers me a smile. “The thing is, I’ve got a game…”

Again, I nod my head, wishing something would come out of my mouth rather than just air. It’s as if his intoxicating scent puts me in a trance as he gets closer. His eyes, his smile…Wow. I feel as if I’m a teenager and he’s a hot teacher that’s just started at my school. He’s trying to talk—to communicate serious things—and all that’s going through my mind are delicious, nasty thoughts. And none that entail being in a classroom, or standing here talking, for that matter.

“Faith?” Darcy’s voice breaks through my brain fog, but I can’t seem to move beyond my initial schoolgirl crush. That’s when Dad comes to the rescue.

“I’m Monty, Faith’s dad.” He holds out a steady hand. “The kids can stay here with us, Mr. Wright. You don’t have to worry about a thing.”

Tristan shakes Dad’s hand, and he turns to me. “Are you sure?”

Again, my mouth is open but nothing’s coming out.

“Sure!” My dad saves me again.

The kids scream, “Great! Dad, who would’ve thought that serving popcorn could be so fun?”

He shakes his head at Darcy’s revelation, kisses her on the forehead, then Ferguson. “Thank you,” he says, locking me in a momentary stare. Then, he swiftly moves through the crowd.

I notice that he’s taller in real life. His piercing blue eyes catapult me into a daze as he glances back at me quickly, and with his dark hair, the contrast is rare for a man, and gorgeous.

I wave feebly.

The kids are happy about serving popcorn for the duration of the game, and the crowd no longer have a star to chase after. The only thing they’re screaming for now is more popcorn and soda. I get back to work.

Once again, I’m able to speak. I’m able to think, and breathe, and comprehend. My racing heart rate settles back to a normal speed. But, I know the moment I see Tristan Wright again, it’ll all pick up exactly where it left off only a few moments ago—incomprehension, speechlessness, and a pounding heart.

Chapter Three


Well, that was weird. At least Monty, Faith’s dad, seems reliable enough, and the kids love serving popcorn. It occurs to me again that they’re too adorable to be the kind of monsters Isobel claims them to be. She dumped them at a concession stand! What kind of fucking nanny is she? A shitty one, for starters. I need to make sure that as soon as this game’s over, I get in touch with the agency and tell them about their ‘Precious Isobel’.

Thank goodness she left them with people who seem decent enough, but I doubt she vetted them before she ran off. Home. Not even to the hotel. I wonder if she took her things to the arena with her before she decided to do a disappearing act.

“Tristan, are you listening?”

I’m nodding, but it’s been a crazy day and I can’t help but think that it’s a sign. The last time I played a game, things went from bad to worse, and I found out that my wife, Hayley, was choosing to leave me for my best friend. She left the kids, too, deciding she would have a better life with him.

I’d taken it to be a curse from that moment onward. Ferguson was too young to remember her. Darcy didn’t seem to care at the time. She didn’t understand, and that broke my heart even more.