Page 22 of Puck Daddy

Faith: I’m sorry I had to ask. I hated every minute of it. But I’m glad you’re okay with it. I swear, I only came here to look after your kids and get better at hockey. That’s all I want and need for now.

Shit. I flinch, startled as the coach shouts my name, barking at me to put my damn phone down and get off the bus. I don’t bother sending her a message back.

The fucking grin on my face is wide and mischievous, and Faith’s words tumble through my brain on a continuous loop.

That’s all I want…

For now.

Let’s get this game over with, so I can get back and find out exactly what that means.

Chapter Fourteen


I feel as though I’m the fucking king of the world. Nothing can bring me down. The first two games are over, and we’ve not only won, but owned that goddamn rink. It’s as if there’s no stopping us.

I manage to talk my way out of the big celebration with the guys. I had a beer with them in the dressing room after the game, but now there’s only one person on my mind.


She sent me a text when she arrived at the arena with the kids, but I’d have known they were there even if she hadn’t. It’d be hard not to notice. Darcy waved and shouted so boisterously, it was impossible to miss her. I gave a wave back when I could, and tried to keep an eye on them as best I could throughout the game without being completely distracted, but it was a bit hard.

I had only one thing on my mind—win the hell out of this game and get back to Faith so I could fix the riff that I’d caused between us.

They left the arena before I did, and the moment I walk through the door of the hotel suite, there she is, sitting on the edge of my bed.

“How come you’re always waiting in my room?” I tease.

She laughs, a melodic sound that makes my muscles clench. “Congratulations. That was some game. You were on fire. Well, not just you, but the team, too.”

She’s rambling, which amuses me. I can’t take my eyes off her as she stretches out, trying to make out like she’s tired. But I can tell she’s a bundle of nerve, and very much alert, as I lower my bag to the floor. I idly wonder if it’s my stare that’s making her feel that way.

“Where are the kids?”

She smiles, unable to hide the glint in her eye. “In bed.”

“Asleep?” The door to the adjoining room is partway open, and I peer in, seeing two motionless forms in the two beds.

She chuckles. “Yeah, they were kind of exhausted. It was a late night for them.”

There’s no one in the room apart from Faith and I. Tomorrow is another day, one that’ll involve me leaving, and all I want to do is plunge inside her right now and never come up for air.

I can’t let anything get in the way of the opportunity we have right now. She could have stayed in the kids’ room. She didn’t need to wait up for me.

But, she did. Because she wants more than a kiss. Lust is written all over her pretty face. Her hair is loose, something she rarely does. It’s always pinned back, hiding its true beauty. Her cheeks are flushed, and I can visualize those full, pink lips around my cock.

Fuck, she’s so sexy.

I move closer to her. “I’m heading to San Jose tomorrow.”

Yesterday, we’d sat down and gone through my entire schedule. I’d prepared one because it’d been requested in writing

by Isobel. I’d printed a copy for Faith, and we both agreed it was grueling. And yet, she wholeheartedly agreed to stay with the kids in my home so their life could have some semblance of normalcy. She knows that for the next few weeks, she’ll be responsible for the children on her own. I was wary of the idea, but she took to it immediately. I hate the idea of leaving things to her so quickly, but luckily, my housekeeper Maria frequents the house, and Mom and Dad are in the same city, so she won’t be completely alone.

I’ve explained to her that I’m not expecting her to do anything apart from running Darcy to school and back, and keeping them both happy and content. If she can make sure their needs come first, I won’t ask for anything else.

Except this. Right now. Us.