Closing her eyes, she rubbed against him once more, enjoying the extra friction from the fabric covering his erection. She could feel the thong going even further up her ass, slipping up between her labia. She stroked him once more, purring, and then opened her eyes.

He watched her, his face suffused with blood and his eyes filled with wonder.

“To what do I owe this honor?” he asked, his voice unexpectedly smooth. She cocked her head at him, growing ever more pleased with her new discovery. Despite how he must be feeling, he controlled himself. It intrigued her. She wanted to make him lose that control, teach him what it meant to have a woman use him. She would, too, before she finished.

“I don’t know,” she said, giving him a winsome smile. “There’s just something about you, I guess.”

She half expected him to burst out laughing, the line was so pathetic. His face grew thoughtful instead, and then he smiled. How disappointing—he was just as easy to fool as all men were. How sad. She wiggled against him again, deciding with a c**k like that, he didn’t need a brain. He’d still be worth taking home for the night.

She leaned forward, allowing her lips to brush his ear.

“My fee is seven hundred credits for the evening,” she said softly, then sunk her teeth into his earlobe.

He shuddered, and she ground herself against him again before pulling her head back to smile at him again. This time she let some of her hunger show in her face. He swallowed, and nodded quickly.

“Let’s get out of here,” he said.

“They have a room for us in the back,” she said with a smile. She stood, swinging her leg back over his head for show, then leaned over and grabbed his hand. She felt a hundred eyes on her and she slowly led him back toward the private rooms. Those eyes held hope and speculation. Would she be back? Would she be available? Would she choose them next time?

She smiled seductively, knowing she’d be off station before anyone even thought to check on her victim.

Thank the Goddess for places like this—they made her job ridiculously easy.

She nodded to the room manager, giving her target a pointed look as he handed over her fee. It went into a lock box, out of which the club would take its cut. Of course, she wouldn’t be back to collect her share, but that seemed fair in a way. The manager would probably suffer some trouble and expense as a direct result of her night’s work.

“We’ll be all night,” she told the manager. “And no matter what you hear, don’t come inside. I have big plans for our time together.”

The two men looked at each other, exchanging knowing smiles, and she had to hold back a chuckle.

The fools had no idea what she was up to. It was pathetic, really. All that lovely cock, and not a single brain cell to control it. Men were all the same.

She showed her client into the small room she’d reserved for them. Like most of its kind, it was almost empty. A chair sat in the middle, and a low couch stood against one wall. At least it was clean. She could tell by the antiseptic smell that it was sprayed down between customers. Unpleasant, but better than the alternative.

He reached for his pants, but she placed one hand across his, stopping him.

“We have all night,” she said softly. “Let’s start things off slowly. Sit in the chair.”

He nodded his head, following her directions. So very obedient. She felt herself losing some of her interest and considered killing him on the spot. Still, there was that lovely cock, and she was still horny from her little pole dance. She turned away from him and sat down on his lap slowly. His erection nudged gently at her ass, and she wiggled, enjoying his groan of satisfaction. Oh yes, there it was, that lovely bulge, pulsating with suppressed lust and energy. She could almost feel it in her already, just waiting to give her what she needed more than anything else.

She started a slow grind, working him deliberately with a strength and purpose that would drive him crazy. It might drive her crazy, too, she mused. Already she could feel herself swelling, her body responding more than usual.

There was something about him… The way he smelled, mixed with the feel of his c**k that was seeping into her consciousness more than she liked. She slowed down, thinking, and his hips thrust up at hers in protest. It caught her off guard, and for the first time she felt less than fully in control of the situation. She didn’t care for that one little bit.

She stood up abruptly, changing her tactics.

She turned to face him, licking her lips and smiling, plastering a mask of confidence across her face.

Then she reached up and slowly unhooked the small bits of metal holding her bustier together. It fastened straight up the front, and when she had it halfway open, she dropped her hands again. Her br**sts were pushed up and out, the ni**les just barely showing. She fingered them, taking a moment to appreciate the tingles running through her, and then unhooked the rest of the garment. It fell to the floor, and she stood before him naked except for the tiny slip of fabric between her legs.

“Do you like what you see?’ she asked.

He nodded his head, licking his lips hungrily. She had expected him to look at her br**sts, but his eyes stayed glued to hers. Once again she noted that strange difference about him. He seemed more intent on her than most men. Not that men were ever less than attentive toward her, but she got the distinct impression that this one wanted more than her body. His expression said he wanted to crawl into her head, to understand her inside and out. It was strange, frightening, and she had to push the idea away. He was a standard mark, just the latest notch on her belt. The only thing special about him was that someone was willing to pay 15,000 credits to see him dead.

She rubbed her hands up over her br**sts, and then slowly stepped forward again, her knees butting against his.

“Do you want to touch me?” she asked softly. He nodded his head, but his hands stayed at his side. She approved. Too many men grabbed a woman’s tits and twisted them like they were ship controls. He seemed content to sit back and let her take the lead. She liked that. This was her show, and she knew exactly how it should go.

She straddled him again, this time not bothering to kick her leg up and over him. Somehow they seemed beyond that at this point. She sighed as the swollen lips of her labia came into contact with the mound of his restrained cock, wrapping her arms around his neck for stability. She closed her eyes, offering her br**sts up to his mouth, and he obliged her by leaning forward and nuzzling the valley between them.

Subtle. She liked that.

Whispers of need crept along her spine, and she rubbed herself up and down his length, hips gyrating restlessly as he started licking her br**sts. Back and forth he went, lapping and nosing at her without ever touching her ni**les. They cried out for him, already swollen and aching in anticipation of his tongue. A need built within her, she wanted his touch. She thrust her breast at him pointedly, and stopped moving.