I can’t see her face clearly, but I’m almost sure I can hear the smile in her reply. “Sorry.”

“I’ve got a better idea,” I whisper against her lips, running my tongue along her bottom lip as I slip my fingers past the hem of her panties and caress the sensitive flesh beneath it.

“Me too,” she moans, guiding my hands away from the soft curls of her core. “Do you have a condom?”

If she’s embarrassed by asking, it doesn’t show in her voice. Silently, I hold her in place while stretching out to flip open the glovebox, retrieving my wallet from it and the condom I’ve kept in its folds for too long to admit to.

She pushes the fabric further to the side, rising up onto her knees. Her head is ducked to prevent hitting it on the truck cab ceiling, but she kisses me feverishly as she waits for me to unwrap and roll the condom on, then positions herself against the tip of my aching erection. I hold myself in place, struggling with the desire to buck my hips upwards and bury myself inside her.

Megan slowly lowers her body onto mine, letting out a long sigh as I sink into her wet core. Her tight walls clench deliciously around me, and a groan that sounds a whole lot like relief falls from my lips as I tilt my head back against the headrest and relish in the seductive bliss I feel just being enveloped by her body.

“Oh...” She whimpers when she rocks against me, sending a jolt of sensation careening through my nerve endings like molten lava. I can only imagine what it must feel like for her.

We’re slow and methodic at first, giving Megan time to adjust to my size and giving me a moment to calm myself down as much as I can. Each time her hips rock forward, I lift mine to meet her halfway, eliciting low, painfully sensual sounds from us both. My truck is filled with only the beating of our hearts as they pound achingly against our ribcages, and the soft whimpers and moans that pass between us amidst the kisses we share.

Without consciously doing it, though, the pace of our movements becomes quicker, more feverish and greedy. My tongue isn’t just tasting Megan’s mouth anymore; it’s devouring it. Her hips aren’t just rocking against mine, they’re slamming against me. My movements are just as aggressive, and one hand juts up to press against the ceiling to steady myself and give me more leverage.

Megan lets out a strangled cry, her head tilting back as her hips meet each thrust with passionate desperation, her fingernails digging into my shoulders. The sting only fuels my need to give her everything her body is pleading for. The slick inner walls of her core are clenched tightly around my pulsing cock, squeezing me and pushing me closer and closer to my release with each decadent thrust.

“Christ,” I gasp, leaning forward to suck one of her hardened nipples just to prevent other pleas and expletives from toppling from my mouth.

“Yes...” she pants out in loud gasps as she slides my entire length into her and then back out again. “Yes...”

My hands grip her hips tightly, guiding her onto me, aching to feel every inch of her from the inside out. “Meg—”

I mean to warn her. Fuck, I try. But everything comes crashing down around me and my body shatters beneath her as she rocks against me again and again, forcing every muscle in her core to constrict and clench, bearing down on my rigid length as she comes apart with me deep inside her.

“Craig!” Megan cries out my name, clutching onto my shoulders with the desperation of someone about to be lost at sea, as her own release rages through her and extinguishes every flame of the blazing fire that had fueled her frantic movements only moments before.

Everything slows down—time, our breathing, our ability to move. I don’t say anything as I listen to her breathing become more even as she pants against my collarbone, her head resting against the side of my neck.

“Well,” I say, breaking the silence after what seems like hours, but is probably only minutes, has passed. “That settles that, then.”

Sluggish, Megan lifts her head from my shoulder, and I can see her silhouette in front of me. “Settles what?”

I bring my hands up to caress the damp flesh of her throat, pushing her hair back behind her ears. “I wondered if we would be as incredible in bed together as I thought we’d be,” I say with a grin. “Turns out, we are.”

She’s quiet for a moment, then breaks into a fit of chuckles. “We weren’t in bed, Craig.”

I lean forward and kiss her mouth softly. “That’s okay, there’s always next time.”

Chapter Nine


It wasn’t planned. It wasn’t expected.

But Craig has made me fall for him. Everything about him—his crooked smile, his soulful eyes, his delightfully muscular body and the way his arms held me with such desire, such purpose. Most of all, his mind and demeanor have entranced me. He’s a man with only one thing driving him forward; his need to do right by his son.

And if that’s not the sexiest thing about a man, I don’t know what is. Everything that comes after that is just bonus. And, hell, is there a lot that comes after that.

Cardon Springs is supposed to be my place to start over, to begin to live again. I never imagined that someone like Craig would be a part of that.

But here he is, and here I am, in his pickup truck, slowly pulling my clothes back on as we share tender kisses and warms words in husky, satiated voices.

If unexpectedly having sex with Craig in the front seat of his truck is supposed to be awkward, it’s not. In fact, I’m more comfortable now with him than I’ve been since the day I met him, and I can feel the calmness radiating off him as well.

The urgency and undercurrent of our desire has been quenched momentarily, allowing us both to breathe without the electricity of our physical needs brimming just below the surface.