“I do,” I say evenly.

“Do what?” Confusion mars his features.

“Believe you.” I let my hands reach out, entwining my fingers with his. “I shouldn’t have let Jackson persuade me otherwise.”

“I don’t blame you for listening to him, Corinne. It all sounded plausible, I’m sure.” His hands squeeze my fingers, and the heat of his skin sends an intoxicating mixture of warmth and electricity pulsing through my body. “That doesn’t matter anymore, though.”

“No?” I arch an eyebrow, letting the first hint of a grin tug at the corner of my mouth.

“Nope,” he assures me. “Because you’re here now, with me. Can I take you on a date, Corinne Hastings?”

Butterflies flutter lightly in my stomach and I bite down on my bottom lip as I pretend to think about it. “I thought this wasn’t a date, Mr. Blue Eyes?” I grin wide. “Thought this was just a meetup between friends?”

Brody looks about ready to either burst into laughter or steer me toward the door to get me all to himself. “Believe me,” he says again. “There’s nothing platonic about this date, Corinne.”

Heat rises in my cheeks with the intensity and certainty of his words. “Good,” I say, suddenly feeling a bit breathless. “I was hoping you’d say that. Lead the way, Mr. Marsh.”



Four Months Later...

“Shh, or you’re going to wake him up!”

I have my shirt off already, tossing it to the floor just as I make it inside the bedroom door. I only close the door partway, kicking it softly with my foot, so we can still hear Spencer if he does wake from his nap. But we’ve gotten pretty good at being quiet—well, as quiet as two people can be when they can’t keep their hands off each other—and it’s a rare occasion that our antics have wakened my little boy from sleep.

My mouth is devouring Corinne’s, too caught up in the need to be as close to her as I can be, against her, inside her, to think about whether or not I’m being selfish with my lust-ridden movements. I’m beyond caring, and by the looks of the blazing fire of desire in her hazel eyes, I’d say she doesn’t care either.

It’s never been just about the sex with us, but damn it, there’s no denying the truth—sex with Corinne is unbelievable. My hands graze over every contour of her abdomen, then her breasts as I pull her shirt from her body. Her bra follows soon after, and I make short work of getting those sexy skinny jeans she loves to wear off, too.

“God, you are so gorgeous, Cori.” I’ve said this to her so many times, but she still blushes deeply at the sound of it. She’s so adorable that way.

She bends down to remove her panties, and on the way back up she reaches out to undress me as well. Her fingers move quickly, unbuttoning my shirt—she’s just as desperate to feel her skin against mine.

My hair is still damp from the shower I took after the game—we won the playoffs only a few hours ago, and Corinne is definitely in the mood to celebrate with me. The other guys on my team might be out drinking up a storm and hitting on everything that moves, but you can bet I’ve got nowhere I would rather be than right here, with this woman in my arms.

We make it to the bed, and by then she’s got me completely undressed. The sound of our labored breathing is the only noise I hear save for the barely audible whimpers that come from Corinne’s mouth each time my tongue drags across her collarbone and I kiss and nip at her neck.

“Do you want me, babe?” Corinne’s voice is distant, words spoken on a sigh.

I hove over her, lifting my head from her collarbone to fix my eyes on hers. “If you’d asked me what I wanted more than anything in the world a few hours ago, Cori, my answer wouldn’t have been to win that hockey game.” My chest heaves. “It would be to have you. And that is still my answer, always will be.” I lean down and kiss her mouth softly, letting my tongue linger against her bottom lip just long enough to make her whimper again. “I love you, Corinne, and there’s no one else I’ll ever want more than I want you.”

Instead of responding with words, Corinne’s body answers for her. I see her pupils dilate, and she lifts her head to claim my mouth again. This time, the kiss between us is anything but soft. I kiss her back with matched desperation, groaning when she bucks her hips up to grind her sweet pussy against my straining erection.

This woman is going to be the death of me, making me ache so viciously that I can barely think straight. But what a way to go out.

Her hands slide between us, gripping my stiff cock in her hand. A low, guttural moan rips through me again, and I rock myself against her just to feel the friction I so badly desire. Anything to ease the insane desperation that is coursing through my veins like wildfire.

“Corinne.” Her name is a warning on my lips.

She’s either calling my bluff or trying to see how far she can push me, because a dark flash of blatant desire rages in her eyes as she squeezes my thick shaft between her fingers and strokes the silky smooth skin of it harder, faster.

“Fuck, Cori,” I hiss through clenched teeth.

“Yes,” she pants, rolling the pad of her thumb over the tip of my cock, spreading the drop of precum across it. “Fuck. Please, Brody.”

An aching plea on her sexy, pouty mouth completely undoes me every damn time. My eyes are locked with hers as I roll my hips forward, letting her guide my cock toward her entrance. Jesus, she’s so wet, so ready for me. I hesitate just so I can hear her beg for me again, watching as her throat moves visibly and her eyes squeeze shut momentarily in hopes of composing herself.