He would be mortified if she had arrived for some other purpose. To see the sights of Derbyshire, for example. Or to borrow a volume of poetry they had discussed. Darcy rubbed the back of his neck as his face heated. “Um…Elizabeth…Bennet, may I introduce my sister, Georgiana Darcy?” He gestured vaguely as the two women exchanged curtsies, his sister with a broad grin on her face.

He needed to regain control of the situation. “Er…Elizabeth…Miss Bennet, what brings you to Pemberley?”

Georgiana giggled.

Elizabeth’s eyes darted nervously about the entrance hall; it certainly was far grander than the one at Longbourn—or even Rosings. “You…ah…said…If I changed my mind…” Her eyes took note of the servants—“on a particular subject…I should tell you,” she said slowly.

Darcy ran his fingers through his hair, regarding her in bemusement. “I expected you to write to me.”

She gave him an arch smile. “Mr. Darcy, you know it would be improper for me to write to you.”

“And showing up alone on my doorstep is not improper?” he asked with a returning grin.

She fidgeted under his scrutiny. “Perhaps I…came to visit your sister.”

Georgiana giggled again.

Darcy frowned. “Did you travel post all this way alone?”

“I did.”


“Mr. Darcy, I found that after my recent journey through France, traveling by post through the English countryside did not seem terribly dangerous.”

The risks she had taken! “Elizabeth—” he said in a warning tone.

“Miss Bennet,” Georgiana interrupted, “surely you did not travel all this way to receive a lecture from my brother about your safety.” She gave her brother a quelling glance.

“No.” Elizabeth grinned at his sister. Already they are allied against me; I am in trouble.

“So what were you hoping would arise out of today’s visit?” Georgiana asked with a mischievous grin.

Elizabeth responded to Georgiana, but her eyes sought Darcy’s. “A few weeks ago—upon our parting—your brother promised me that if I wished it…a certain offer would be forthcoming.”

“And you wish it?” Georgiana asked.

Elizabeth’s gaze still rested on Darcy. “Yes,” she whispered.

Darcy did not hesitate; at any moment she might change her mind. He dropped to one knee before her. The servants gasped as one. “Miss Elizabeth Bennet, would you do me the very great honor of—”

Elizabeth did not allow him to finish. “Yes! Yes, I will marry you. Yes, I will be your wife. Yes, I will pledge myself to you forever.”

Mere words could not come close to expressing Darcy’s joy upon this occasion. The only thing he could do was sweep Elizabeth into his arms and give her a most passionate kiss.


“Enough kissing, Darcy; there will be time enough for that later!” Bingley’s voice held more than a hint of laughter.

Darcy pulled away from Elizabeth but did not release his grip on her shoulders. “You are a fine one to talk,” he muttered to Bingley.

Bingley blushed a furious red. “It was only the one time!” he protested. “And we believed we were alone in the garden.” He gestured to the people milling about Longbourn’s drawing room. “You, on the other hand, are kissing in plain view of everyone at your own wedding breakfast!”

Darcy raised an eyebrow. “I dare anyone to gainsay my right to kiss my wife after my wedding ceremony. I believe we have earned it.”

Bingley sighed. “I suppose so.” After all, the news of Elizabeth’s miraculous return from the dead and Darcy’s role in her rescue had not only given them fame in Hertfordshire but also granted them some leeway with their behavior that other couples might not enjoy. Darcy was determined to push that tolerance to its limits—not for its own sake but because he simply could not prevent himself from expressing his affection for his wife.

Elizabeth laughed. “Let us leave off for