He groaned, mind and body at war. “Elizabeth, we cannot—”

“Shh.” She laid a finger on his lips. “I am recovered from my injury and illness. There is no reason we could not resume…marital relations.” She blushed at the words, not meeting his eyes.

Damnation! Darcy’s body was in complete agreement with that plan. His desire had been restrained by concern that she did not return his feelings, but these actions seemed to answer that question. Yearning surged through his blood, lashing his entire body into a frenzy.

As she bent down to kiss him again, her entire body pressed against his, their night clothes providing only a flimsy barrier as body parts rubbed against each other. Darcy swallowed hard, on the verge of losing control of the situation.

With an effort of will, he grabbed her arms and flipped her onto her back. Now he loomed over her, his body covering hers.

Elizabeth’s eyes widened and she gasped, but she made no complaints. She recovered quickly, entwining her arms around his neck, and brought his head toward hers for a passionate, impossibly long kiss.

The bodice of her shift had moved, almost to the point of revealing a mound of creamy flesh…If Darcy just…

His hand reached out and…

Chapter Ten

What the hell am I about? This woman is not my wife!

Darcy yanked his hand back as if she had suddenly burst into flames. Fool! he berated himself. I cannot indulge in “marital relations” with Elizabeth. I would be taking advantage of her in the worst way.

But his body protested. She was lying beneath him, flushed and wanton, entirely too willing for someone he would take advantage of.

Ignoring his body’s pleas, Darcy rolled off Elizabeth’s warmth with a muffled oath and landed with his feet on the cool floor.

“William?” Elizabeth was stricken. “Have I become less desirable to you?” Moisture gathered in the corners of her eyes.

Oh, Good Lord! Let her believe anything but that! Darcy felt like the worst sort of blackguard. “Nothing could be further from the truth, my love. But I—” He cast about for a plausible explanation. Unfortunately, his brain was still befuddled by lust. “I—You—You are not completely well,” he finished lamely.

Her brows drew together. “If I am well enough to travel, surely I am well enough for...the marriage bed.” The plea was followed by a wiggle of her hips that did nothing to dispel his desire.

What could he possibly say? Then inspiration struck. “Darling, we are currently trapped in France.”

“Yes.” She nodded warily.

“I do not want to take the risk that you could become with child. We do not know how soon we can return to England.”

“Oh.” Her lips formed a perfect circle. “I had not thought of that.”

He leaned over her and stroked her silken hair. “It is not a lack of desire, darling. That is impossible.”

Her shoulders slumped in resignation. Darcy hated the defeated expression on her face. How could he experience guilt over not taking her virginity? He had wandered into a mirror world where right was wrong, up was down, and left was right.

She slid down into the covers. “Very well. Will you at least hold me as I fall asleep?” Her voice was plaintive and small.

“Of course.” He climbed back into bed and pressed his body against hers, savoring the warmth against his skin. The sensations of her moving beside him were almost enough to undo the vow he had made so recently.

He could not completely deprive himself; one more kiss would be his reward for restraint. Cradling her head in both his hands, Darcy captured her lips with his. This kiss was slow and tender, unlike the earlier frenzied collision of lips. When he reluctantly pulled his lips from hers, she sighed with deep contentment, her body relaxed and supple.

“I love your kisses, William,” she murmured, her eyes heavy.

“And I love yours.”

He watched as her eyes fell closed; soon her breathing became deep and slow and regular. Still, he could not shake a feeling of unease. What would he do if she became amorous again? When would he tell her the truth? What would happen if her memory returned?

Darcy was more than willing to marry her to compensate for the ways he had compromised her reputation. But once she learned how he had lied to her, she might never wish to see him again.

Still… Darcy rubbed his finger along his swollen lips in wonder. He could not bring himself to wish those kisses away.