His words about his property suggested that he was not just a gentleman but also a man of considerable means. Now Elizabeth rather suspected she had married above her station. Perhaps far above it. William contended with not only a poor wife, but a poor wife who did not remember him. If only I could will myself to remember! But she had found nothing buried in her mind, save a few disjointed images of places and people she did not recognize.

Her husband certainly could tell her something to provoke a memory. “Tell me about when you made your offer of marriage.”

William froze, one hand on the curtain. “Perhaps it is best if you recall that in your own time.”

He did not want to describe how he had proposed? Surely that was a safe and joyful subject for a conversation. He seemed to be hiding something, but she did not know him well enough to guess what it might be. Ha! She did not even know herself well enough.

She had noticed yesterday that he was more at ease discussing her family or his estate than anything pertaining to their relationship. Very well. “Tell me about your family.”

His shoulders loosened as he slipped into the armchair. Yes, this was the right approach. “My parents have been gone for a long time. I have a sister who is just turned seventeen. Her name is Georgiana.”

“What is she like?”

Did he know how he smiled when he spoke of her? “She is a very accomplished musician—playing the pianoforte and the harp—but she is very shy around strangers.”

“Does she like me?” Elizabeth could imagine forming a friendship with such a girl. I like music, do I not?

William started. “You have not met.”

How curious. Had his sister objected to the union? Elizabeth’s face must have revealed her consternation.

“Recall that we have not been married long,” he said hastily. “I have no doubt that you and she will become good friends.”

“Where is your siste

r now?” Elizabeth asked.

“She should be in London by now. She was to leave our home, Pemberley, in Derbyshire a few days ago to visit my aunt and uncle in London.”

Yes, he must be very wealthy. “Is Pemberley a very grand house?” she asked.

“Many would call it grand.” He did not make a great effort to conceal his pride.

“I must have liked it exceedingly.”

He flinched again and did not answer at once. After a long pause, he said, “You have not yet visited Pemberley, but I am certain you will approve.”

Not met his sister? Not visited his estate? Apparently they had quite an odd—and brief—courtship. Why had they married so hastily? I am the kind of person who would marry a man without sufficient acquaintance. Am I so impetuous?

One possibility occurred to her. “Was it an arranged marriage?” Wait! I did not intend to blurt that out.

His eyes widened. “No,” he responded immediately.

Something in Elizabeth’s chest loosened, but her fears were not completely assuaged. She stared down at her hands. “If that is the case, I will understand. Many marriages are contracted under such circumstances.”

“No! Nothing like that. Why would you believe such a thing?” He leaned toward her, resting both hands on the edge of the bed.

Elizabeth shrank back against the pillows. Was he angry with her?

“Why?” he demanded.

“I have not met your sister or visited your home,” she explained. “It is so odd. I do not understand unless…” Her hand flew to her mouth. “Oh! I did not entrap you into marriage?”

Elizabeth had heard of such things, although she could not recall the source: women who led men into compromising situations or who deliberately created rumors of an imminent engagement so that a man would feel honor bound. Please God that I am not such a woman!

Instead of exploding in anger, William exploded into laughter—for the second time that hour. The sight quite transformed his face. Before she had thought him terribly handsome, but when he laughed, the harsher lines of his face softened, a dark curl fell over his forehead, and he seemed far younger. Sober William was attractive, but laughing William was…irresistible. No wonder she had consented to be his wife.

Elizabeth wished she had the courage to throw her arms around his neck and kiss him. A wife ought to do such things when she wanted, but it felt wrong. She did not truly know this man.