
His eyes wrenched open. Though he was surrounded by gray and black shadows, he winced. A dull ache spread through his limbs now that he was conscious. His mouth was dry, and his mind was a swirling vortex of darkness.

He heard a voice next to him. Looking up, he saw someone whose face was covered in dark cloth. Only her eyes were visible. He knew it was a woman because of the length of her lashes, the kohl around her eyelids, and the soft lilt of her words.

He knew that she was no threat. Her words were hushed but not urgent. They were gentle but urging him into action. The words were also said on a foreign tongue. The sounds jumbled in his mind, but a second later, he understood them.

“What is your name?”

Four words. He understood their meaning, but he didn’t know the answer.

What was his name? He knew he had one. It was there, somewhere in his brain. He just needed a light to shine in the darkness.

When a shard of brightness from somewhere in the room met his gaze, he instantly shut his eyes. It was too late, a vision slipped through. His entire body shuddered at a pain that wasn’t his own. No, he would not go towards that light. Any illumination would only bring pain.

But he couldn’t keep his eyes closed forever. Especially since the voice asking him questions was growing louder, more insistent. And so he peeked out from under his lashes.

The woman held up an object. It was a bound book. Somehow he knew it belonged to him, and he reached for it.

It was small, brown, and leather bound. There were burn marks at the edges, and a few of the pages were charred. Daily Devotional Bible was written in gold letters on the front face.

With ginger fingers, he opened the book. A folded piece of paper fell out. The corners flapped like a bird's wings bringing it in for a landing.

His eyes scanned over the writing. He knew that writing. It was the first familiar thing. He picked out a few words.

Love you.




Beth? He felt possessive over that name. It wasn’t his. Beth was a woman. Was she his woman?

I will always love you, Reece. If there’s a chance … marriage … always yours … Beth.

A feeling of serenity came over him. He wanted to be Reece. He wanted to have Beth’s love. He just wished he could remember who she was. He wished he could remember who he was.

You won’t want to miss the reunion

between Reece and Beth.

* * *