He was silent for so long. Reegan ached to reach out to him, to take him into her arms. And so she did.

She wrapped her arms around him and held him tight. He was stiff at first, but then he relaxed in her hold. His own grip became a vise around her.

"Listen, Reegan,” he said into her hair. “About that thing I asked you—"

“That thing? You mean to marry you?”


She felt his breath at the cone of her ear. The single word was like a match. Her ear was the fire. The flame tunneled through her entire body. But then, it was doused by a single doubt.

“Are you taking it back?" she asked.

Reegan pulled back, but she didn’t get far. Brandon’s hold on her was absolute. She couldn’t have gotten away if she’d tried. She did not try.

"No.” His insistence was vehement.

Relief swam through her. The single word stoked the fire that had been lit a second ago. She felt the flames rising higher and higher.

"I just want you to know there's no rush,” Brandon continued. “You've been through a lot. I don't want to add any pressure to you. The offer stands today, tomorrow, next week. However long you need. Whatever answer you want to give. I want you to know that I'll be here. For … whatever you need."

Reegan’s muscles relaxed as the heat between them worked its way through her limbs. “Brandon, you should know that my answer is yes."

"It is?” His voice, so hot and sure a moment ago, came out on a dry croak.

She nodded. They were holding each other in a loose embrace. She would swear that she felt the heat of him rise a few degrees under her fingertips.

"Well.” He cleared his throat. “Good.” He swallowed. “Fine. I suppose I'll let Dr. Patel and Dylan know so arrangements can be made."


“Yes, Reegan?”

“You can kiss me. If you want.”

"I could?”

"Well, we are going to be married. So …”

“That’s true,” he agreed. “Kissing is part of the ceremony. So, we should probably prepare for it."

“That's smart." Reegan pursed her lips, tugging them into her mouth to moisten them.

"They teach us to be prepared in the army."

“Sounds like good preparation.”

Brandon took a deep breath. He leaned closer, pulling her body toward his. The bench squeaked again.

Reegan tilted her head up. She felt the warmth of Brandon’s breath on her lower lip. It robbed her of the moisture she’d just licked into her lips. She didn’t have time to prepare again. It was going to happen. Her first kiss. And not with some boy from around the block. It would be with a real man, a man who was going to be her husband very soon.

He was just an inch away now. Any second and she would—

The door to the room wrenched open. She saw Brandon’s gaze slide away from his intended target, which had been her mouth, to scope out the intruder. Whomever he saw standing in the doorway must have been a threat because he pulled away from her.

Reegan looked up to find Pastor Barrett standing in the doorway. The older man glared at Brandon. Brandon stood to attention, leaving her alone on the bench. It looked like her first kiss would have to wait even longer.

Chapter Seventeen