Chapter Thirteen

"I guess I'll have to move to California with my aunt."

Brandon's head shot up at Reegan's words. He sat next to her on the couch in the small living room. Her hand was in his. He wasn't sure when th

at had happened, but he did nothing to discourage her strong hold on him.

The fire marshal had long gone, but the news he'd delivered still singed the air. Reegan’s house would be declared a total loss. The fire had destroyed the kitchen and severely damaged the living room. The integrity of the upstairs was in question, not to mention that the wiring had proven itself a total fire hazard.

Now, not only had Reegan lost everyone in her immediate family, she’d lost her home too. It was good that there was still an extended family that she could turn to. Brandon just didn’t understand why that family had to be so far away as California?

"You'll stay with us," said Beth.

Elsbeth Barrett and her father sat opposite them. Both Barretts eyed Reegan and Brandon’s joined hands. Brandon didn't make a move to let Reegan go. His grip loosened only slightly with Beth’s offer.

Brandon wanted Reegan to stay right where she was so he could keep an eye on her. Or hold her hand if necessary. Or wrap her up in his arms when she grew weary.

He knew where the Barretts lived. Their house was in town and not at the edge of the country. If Reegan stayed with the pastor and his daughter, he could at least see her from time to time. Or every day.

Reegan shook her head. “You're getting married soon.”

Beth blushed and looked away. Brandon had known a number of soon-to-be brides. He couldn’t remember one not beaming with anticipation anytime their impending nuptials were brought up.

“And besides,” Reegan continued, seemingly oblivious to her friend’s discomfort, “I can't rain on Pastor Barrett's empty nest dreams."

The older man smiled good-naturedly. “Don’t talk such nonsense. You've always been a second daughter to me. You're family, and you're welcome to stay as long as you like."

But Reegan shook her head again, shutting her eyes. “If I did, I’d have to … see it.”

She didn’t need to clarify what she didn’t want to see. When she opened her eyes, she smiled. The smile didn't reach her eyes.

She turned her body to Brandon and squeezed his hand. There was a question in her gaze. Whatever her query was, she was uncertain of the ask. She needn’t be. Whatever she wanted Brandon would do whatever it took to give it to her.

“Can I stay here for a while longer?” she asked.

Gasps escaped both Barretts’s mouths. Both the pastor and his daughter’s gazes widened as though they spotted Beelzebub sitting on Brandon’s left shoulder.

“In the spare bedroom of course,” Reegan clarified. “Just until I figure things out."

This was far preferable to California. It was even better than her being in town at the Barretts. If she were in the next bedroom, he could watch over her constantly. He could hold her hand. He could hear her sing.

When he didn’t answer, Reegan's face fell. "Unless … of course … you don’t … I didn't mean …"

"You can stay as long as you like." Brandon blurted the words out.

Relief touched her blue eyes. Her hold on him relaxed, but he held onto her tighter. He wanted to tug her to him, but he felt certain that would only confirm the presence of a little imp on his shoulder for the others.

"But, Reegan, he's a stranger." The pastor's tone was gentle, but his stern gaze was firmly set on Brandon.

"He was on my brother's team in the service," said Reegan. "Reece trusted him. He put his life in Corporal Lucas's hands. I see no problem with me doing the same, even if only temporary. Besides, you both know the garden is my happy place. I need a little happy in my life after all I’ve been through this week."

Pastor Barrett looked as though he still wanted to argue the point. Brandon had the urge to ask them to leave. He didn’t want Reegan to be challenged, especially if that challenge meant she’d leave his presence.

Luckily, it was Beth who spoke first. "If you think it’s best for you?”

Reegan gave her friend a firm nod.

Beth nodded too. “Well, then, all right."