“When were you going to tell me?” she said.

He frowned, looking up at her. She saw her own anguish reflected back at her from his dark eyes. His gaze turned guilty, and he turned away.

Brandon stood, tossing the rag into the sink and then washing his hands. He pumped soap into his palm and rubbed his hands together. Then he repeated the action as though he hadn’t gotten clean enough the first time.

“So it’s true?” Reegan asked coming to her feet. “You’re re-enlisting and looking to deploy?”

“What?” Brandon whirled around to face her. “No. I’m not re-enlisting.”

Reegan’s relief was instant. So, it had been a misunderstanding? He wasn’t leaving her. But then his gaze clouded over as he appeared to think about it more.

“Well, yes,” he revised his answer. “I was. That was the plan. But then I met you and … everything changed.”

Brandon opened his arms, and like she was a moth to his flame, she came to him. Her legs were shaky, and he caught her before she took the last step to bring them together. He wrapped her up in his warm embrace, and Reegan knew heaven.

“I have no idea what I’m going to do with my life now,” he said into her hair. “Except for the fact that I want to spend it with you.”

Reegan’s whole being was a tornado of emotion. Everything was topsy turvy. Nothing was clear. She needed some clarity, something to hold onto. “So, you’re not leaving?”

“No.” He pulled away from her, gazing down into her eyes so that she saw the truth there. “I’m not leaving you.”

The tears fell then. Reegan felt as though she’d been holding herself together, not just for days, but since her parents died. For his part, Brandon held her, he held her tight, whispering sweet-nothings in her ear.

She wasn’t sure how they ended up in the bed. But his arms were around her. She felt his warm embrace even through the layers of clothing that remained between them. His large, strong body was a spoon behind her while she cried. He held her tight as though protecting her from all sides.

And cry she did, for hours, maybe even days, as she finally felt the effects of her world crashing down around her. But through it all, she knew she was safe. Nothing would ever hurt her again. Not while Brandon Lucas held her in his arms.

And hold her he did. He didn’t loosen his grip for one second. Not when her tears stopped. Not when she fell asleep.

Chapter Nineteen

It was the bright rays of dawn that awakened him. Not the whirring of a helicopter. Not the crunch of boots. Not the snore of someone sleeping next to him. Though someone was sleeping in his arms.

Reegan’s back was tucked against his chest. They were both still fully clothed. His arms were wrapped firmly around her, holding her close. Against his forearm, he felt her chest rise and fall in the peace of sleep. Her fingers were entwined in his.

The last thing Brandon remembered was lying down with her in his arms as she cried herself to sleep. She’d finally reached the next level in her stage of grief. All because she’d thought he was preparing to leave her.

His hold on her tightened at the thought. He doubted he’d ever be able to be away from her for more than a few hours. In fact, in the bright morning light, even one hour felt excessive.

Brandon knew he’d carried Reegan in here when the sun was still high in the sky. Looking at the clock on the side table, he saw that it was the start of a new day. He didn’t remember seeing the darkness of night.

Had he slept through an entire day? She hadn’t even sung him to sleep. Her wails had pulled at his heart. He knew he hadn’t closed his eyes until she’d settled. It must have been the act of holding her, of having her near that had brought him to the place of peace.

He had to have gotten at least ten hours of sleep, likely more. He hadn’t wakened once in the night. Not even from a nightmare.

It wasn’t her singing that gave him peace, it was her. He’d found hope in her. He’d found faith in her. He’d found love in her.

That young pastor was right; it wasn’t good for man to be alone. Just as soldiers formed teams and units, Brandon had found his true calling with the woman in his arms. Holding the woman he would marry, he felt the chords of harmony settle over him. Pressing the palms of their entwined fingers together, he found an unbreakable unity.

For the first time in a long time, Brandon wanted to sink to his knees and say thank you.


Right now, he pulled the woman who completed his life to him. He pressed his lips to her temple. Reegan stirred, turning her face to him and slowly blinking open her bright blue eyes.

Recognition was swift in her gaze. The smile she gave him lent him the strength of a full army. Her sigh of utter contentment, had he not been laying down, would’ve knocked him to his knees.

“Good morning,” she said.