“Maggie said it’s never about the zoning.”

It was about the zoning. Brandon wanted to mark Reegan Cartwright as his territory. In fact, that was exactly what he was going to do. There were no pastors around to stop him.

Her eyes fluttered closed as he leaned down. His bottom lip got the first taste as it brushed against her upper lip. Just that small hint was enough to knock him back on his heels. He wondered if he’d actually fallen down when he heard a knock behind him.

Brandon turned to look out the driver’s side window. When he saw the man standing on two firm legs, he glared. Even the sight of his superior officer didn’t wipe the murderous look off his face.

Chase raised his hands in surrender. Ortega, who stood behind him took a step back. Smart man.

“I need a word,” said Chase through the closed window.

Unfortunately, Brandon could hear him clearly. “Right now? This actual second?”

“It’s important.” At least the man had the common decency to look apologetic.

Brandon let go of Reegan’s chin and opened the car door.

Chase’s eyes glanced over to Reegan. “In private.”

Chase’s smile was gentle toward Reegan. It was clear he didn’t want to exclude her, but it must be army business that she couldn’t know. Brandon circled around to the other side of the car and handed her out.

“I’ll meet you inside,” she said to Brandon.

She reached up on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. It wasn’t the first kiss he wanted with her, but it would hold him over until they were alone. He’d be sure and lock the front door behind him as soon as he was done with this private matter that couldn’t wait.

“So, it looks like you’re sticking around after all,” said Ortega.

Brandon didn’t respond. He watched Reegan as she entered the house. She’d turned the knob easily. The door hadn’t been locked. No one seemed to lock doors here. Why would they with a ranch filled with veterans and soldiers? It was the safest place in the world, a place he would want to raise a family. A family he’d never truly even thought about. But now all he could think about was his marriage to Reegan and the life they’d have together.

“I got a phone call from the DOD about the mission,” said Chase. “They found something.”

That snapped Brandon back to attention. “Reece? They found his body?”

“Not exactly. They’re not sure. An informant came through with credible information. They had his tags.”

“So, they want to ransom the body?” Bile filled Brandon’s throat at the thought.

“No,” said Chase. “They said he’s alive.”

Brandon went entirely still. Everything in him went still as well. The constant buzzing sounds went on mute. The flickering images that flashed through his mind on a constant reel went dark.

“The information is still classified,” Chase continued. “I sent Reegan away because I didn’t want to get her hopes up, not after everything she’s been through. Our orders are to wait until it’s been confirmed.”

Chapter Eighteen

“Have you set a date yet?”

Reegan sat two glasses of lemonade down on the kitchen table. Sarai wrapped perfectly manicured fingers around the tall glass and sipped carefully. Reegan knew the woman still struggled with an eating disorder and was very mindful of what she put in her body, which was why Reegan had gone light on the sugar.

Meanwhile, Eva DeMonti tossed her head back and tilted the yellow liquid until it was bottom’s up. The co-ed then slammed the glass down for another, which Reegan happily refilled. Eva was constantly on the go between attending classes, wrangling her two tween siblings, and a husband who was also a busy body.

The two women had been walking by as Reegan had come out onto her front porch that morning. Reegan liked the sound of that; her front porch. She’d had an entire deck on her parents’ house. And though it had been her home all her life, this small house that she’d only spent two nights in suddenly felt like her entire world.

Last night, Brandon had come inside. His features looked weary and tight. Reegan guessed that whatever private matter had been discussed between him and his fellow soldiers had weighed down on him. She decided not to press him on it. They were still getting to know each other, coming to trust one another with their secrets.

Brandon had walked her to his bedroom door. But af

ter he’d ushered her inside, he’d stayed at the threshold. He insisted she take the larger room while he went off to the spare. Before Reegan could protest, he’d shut the door and was gone.