Dr. Patel took a deep breath and picked up his pen again. “I told him that I’m not entirely sure your decision-making isn’t impaired.”

But hadn’t he just said Brandon was blameless? That he was a strong man and shades of gray and … what else had he said? Brandon couldn’t remember the words from just a moment ago.

“You understand that lack of sleep leads to a myriad of impairments, one amongst them is poor impulse control and poor judgment?”

Brandon sat up stiff. “That had nothing to do with my relationship with Reegan. Proposing to her was a purely logical decision. She needs a home and a provider. She needs to be around those that care about her and not go to California. I can give those things to her if I marry her.”

A broad smile spread across the doctor’s face. He pushed the pen and the notepad off to the side of the desk. Brandon felt as though he’d passed some test he wasn’t aware of taking.

“She would have a home,” said Dr. Patel. “She’d also have a husband looking after her, tending to her. And she would look after and tend to you."

“Are you trying to say Reegan is my cure?”

Patel shrugged. But he did it with a smug smile. “I’m old fashioned, biblically old fashioned. Of faith, hope, and love; love is the greatest of the three. That’s in Corinthians.”

Brandon wasn’t sure he had any of those three. He wasn’t in love with Reegan. He didn’t think?

But the thought of Reegan as his wife sent a shock of peace all through him. She would be his to provide for. His to protect. His to hold and keep safe. He wanted it more than a good night's sleep.

Maybe taking care of Reece's sister would assuage his guilt. Surely, that was more noble and useful than plucking weeds or talking about his feelings. Brandon was a man of action, a man who'd pledged his life to service and protection. More than anything, he wanted to serve and protect Reegan Cartwright. Not only because he loved looking at her, not only because he loved listening to her sing, but because he simply loved being around her.

Marriage had never been his plan. He'd had every intention of re-enlisting, of going back into service, and fighting for his country. But what if he found something else to fight for? What if he could stay on home turf and protect someone?

"You're a soldier to your core," Patel was saying, making Brandon think again about the man’s psychic ability. "It's a different battle here. You have to decide what you’re fighting for. And who."

Chapter Sixteen

"Aren't you going to stay?"

Reegan watched Brandon hesitate at her words. Oh, no. Had her voice been too needy? Was she being clingy?

They'd driven with Cassie and Xavier into town. The plan was for Brandon and Reegan to drive back in her truck which someone had brought from her house and to the church. So, it was entirely sensible that she ask him that question. He was her ride.

She’d need to know where he was so they could ride back together.

Unless he hadn’t planned to ride back with her. What if he’d planned to stay in town, see some of the nightlife? He was a soldier just off deployment. He’d been away for over a year. And even though he’d asked for her hand, he wasn’t about to get his kicks with her.

Reegan was a modern woman but not that modern. She was considering marrying this man. She wasn’t considering hopping into bed with him.

And maybe that’s why he was thinking about heading out to sample some of the town’s nightlife.

"You don't mind?" Brandon asked.

Just like that, all the tension left her shoulders. Gazing up into Brandon’s eyes, she saw an eagerness there. He wanted to stay, but he was unsure if he was welcome.

"Of course not. I'd like it very much if you did. I want you to hear."

He smiled at her. Just a lift of the right corner of his mouth. But his eyes sparkled as he did so.

Reegan was lost. Her knees felt weak. Her heart fluttered like the butterflies flitting around the flowers she tended in the garden.

“I like hearing you sing,” he said. “I love the sound of your voice.”

“Oh? Well, that’s good. Because I love to sing. I sing a lot.”

“You won’t hear any complaints out of me.”
