Reegan took a few deep breaths. And almost instantly, her heart rate settled. She continued breathing deep as she made her way back to the music room. She even practiced some runs. Everything, her pulse, her vocal cords, all seemed to be back in working order.

When she rejoined the group, they tried the song again. This time Reegan hit all the notes with no problem. The song finished, and the choir was once more in perfect harmony. As she packed up to leave, Barbara pulled her aside.

“Do you think you’ll be ready for the solo tomorrow?” Barbara asked.

Reegan loved adding her voice to the group’s. But she never felt closer to heaven than when she got the spotlight on the stage. “Of course, I will. I think I just may be tired, that’s why I missed the note.”

“I’d have to agree, Reegan. You’re always overextending yourself. If you’re not here volunteering at the church, then you’re out at someone’s house giving them your time. Or you’re off at the Purple Heart Ranch working their gardens.”

That was Reegan’s other passion. She had a small plot of land out back of her house that she and her mother had turned into a small garden. But on the ranch, she had acres she could plant and cultivate. In the last year that the ranch had been open, it had become her second favorite place in the world. The first being the home she’d lived in her whole life.

“I like being busy,” she said to Barbara. “And I like giving my time to others. I have the luxury of not having to work since I live rent free and my parents left me a small sum to live off.”

Reegan hadn’t gone to college or pursued any work other than giving her time to others. She hadn’t wanted to waste her parents' money on an overpriced education when she knew singing was her passion. And that the only place she wanted to sing was in her church choir. Plus, her parents’ hard earned money had been reserved for her brother who had realized his dream of going into the Army.

To that end, they’d left Reece the house and Reegan a nice monetary sum. Being true twins, the siblings had decided to share their inheritance. They hadn’t even needed to speak their decision. Being connected in the way that twins were, they just knew each other’s decision.

So, Reegan stayed in the house while Reece went off to save the world. She invested a good portion of the money in repairs on the ancient home, though there was a lot more she had to do. But those repairs could wait until the next time Reece came home, which by her calculations should be soon. Her heartbeat sped up again at the thought of having her brother home again.

“I’ll go home and get a good night’s sleep,” Reegan said to Barbara. “I promise I’ll be rested and ready in the morning.”

Chapter Three

Brandon's eyes were wide open as their connecting flight began its descent. He looked over at Chase’s and Ortega’s faces in the two connecting seats. Blessedly, they were in three adjoined seats in the middle row th

is time. The fourth seat was occupied by an elderly woman.

Chase and Ortega had slept through the afternoon flight. Each man's eyes were shut, gripped in the peace of sleep. Ortega's mouth was slightly open, a quiet snore whistling out of his nose. Chase’s head was tipped back against the headrest. His jaw a firm line that brooked no nonsense even in repose.

Not too long ago, Brandon had come upon a similar scene. Though back in the desert both men had lain in the dirt with their eyes closed. Their uniforms weren’t pristine as they were now. Dirt, dust, and blood had covered them. Instead of the calm and soothing voice of the flight attendant giving landing instructions, screams and groans had sounded in the chaos after the gunfire and ear-wrenching explosion had died down.

Brandon hadn't known if the two were living or dead. He was hurt himself, but he managed to crawl to them. Ortega was closer, and Brandon reached out and found the pulse at the man’s limp wrist. Before Brandon could get to Chase, the man was already rising to his feet.

The Terminator, Sergeant Colin Chase had been known as back on the base. His fellow soldiers swore he was more machine than man with how far he could go and his expectations that those behind would keep up. Also for his relentless pursuit of his targets. Their last mission was the first time he’d returned empty handed with no asset and missing one of his own.

When the smoke had cleared, Brandon had wanted to stay behind and at least look for Cartwright’s body. But they had been compromised. The last Brandon had seen of the private had been the man headed directly into the line of fire. And then nothing.

It was as though he’d disappeared into thin air. It was possible he’d been taken out by the bomb. Brandon hoped that had been Cartwright’s fate. If he’d been captured by insurgents, his end would have been far more gruesome.

Chase’s eyes opened. His green eyes focused on Brandon like a heat-seeking missile. That strong jaw hardened into steel making Brandon wonder if he were built out of metal like the machine he was accused of being.

"You good?" asked Chase.

Brandon wasn't. Chase knew that. None of them were, but they didn't talk about it.

"I'm good.” Brandon gave a quick nod of his head, not meeting Chase’s penetrating gaze.

"Did I just wake up in a chick flick?" Ortega stretched his limbs over his head and arched his back with a loud yawn.

The captain’s voice came on overhead, telling the passengers to prepare for landing. It was a smooth landing. Not even a bump as the wheels touched down on the tarmac.

They were there. Their final destination after three days of traveling first from a military base, and then the long flight across the ocean, and a somewhat shorter flight to the middle of the country.

They were travel weary. They each needed a shower and change of clothes. A hot meal was certainly in order.

All around them, travelers rushed to retrieve their bags and line up in the aisle to be the first off the plane. All three soldiers held their seats. Not one of them was anxious to complete this final mission.

Once the aisle began to clear, Chase took a deep breath and rose first. Ortega followed suit. And finally, Brandon rose to join the rest of his unit.