"True.” Dr. Patel nodded, seeming to consider his words. “But you're not on call any longer."

The doctor had him there.

"However, it seems you slept quite well the last two nights. Maybe there’s no problem at all?”

Brandon recalled the reason he'd slept so peacefully. A beautiful songbird whose song he’d likely stolen with the news of her brother’s demise. The numbness that had been missing the last two days was now creeping into the palm of his hands and up to his ankles. It would likely rob him of his sleep again by this time tomorrow.

“As you know, this is a rehabilitation ranch. I’ve set your other team members up on healing jobs specific to their injuries.”

Again, Patel eyed him with that assessing gaze. Brandon wondered what duties he would be prescribed while on the ranch? He knew there was horse therapy there. He’d like to mount one of the powerful beasts. He’d even be fine with the physical, monotonous work of mucking out stalls. Anything to help numb his brain and his thoughts.

“While you're here, I'd recommend gardening."

"I beg your pardon?” Surely, Brandon had heard him wrong. “Do you mean you want me to pull weeds?"

"It's soothing watching something grow, caring for something other than yourself.”

Brandon blinked. Gardening? Dr. Patel couldn’t be serious?

“You'll find the gardens just over the bridge."

Chapter Eight

Reegan dug her hands into the fresh soil of the earth and hesitated. She was about to pull up a weed. But then she questioned why she was doing it. Why should she end the plant’s life just because it decided to start its life next to something others found to be more pleasing to the eye?

This weed was only guilty of trying to thrive in the best place in the garden. The wild plant had the audacity to sink its roots down in the midst of a group of plants whose seeds had been placed there by human hands. But the weed had found its way there through its own grit and determination. It had as much right to life as the other plants that were tended to and coddled.

Reegan let the weed stay for a second, before pulling it up at the root. If she didn't uproot it, it would take not only one flower's life, but likely a few more around it as it sucked up the meager resources of the plot of land. Sometimes things in nature killed for their own survival.

She took a deep breath, breathing in all the fresh life that was on the ranch. As much as Reegan loved going out and helping the people in her community, she loved coming here and helping tend this garden the most. The yard of her family's house wasn't so big, and she easily managed the flowers her mother had planted there since before Reegan was born. She liked the challenge of the acres of pastures that the Purple Heart Ranch provided.

Here she found solitude in all the acres. Here she could think in the quiet spread of land. Here she could tend to herself as much as she did the plants.

Most of the soldiers who came to the ranch for healing preferred to strengthen their bodies with farm work and ride horses to feel in control of something outside of themselves. Typically, it was only her and Reed out in the gardens. The soldier was within shouting distance today.

Reed preferred to work the plants and gain more dexterity with his prosthetic limb. But more and more when he was out there, he wasn’t alone. Most of his time was spent making googly eyes at his wife Sarai to notice what needed to be pulled and what didn't.

For her part, Sarai, a former model, didn’t get her hands dirty. She chatted with her husband, spoiling the peace and tranquility that Reegan craved. Outside of the garden, Reegan loved Sarai’s chatty nature. Just not when she needed quiet and solitude like today.

The couple was quiet today. Sarai had her hands in the dirt, but she neither pulled at unwanted plants or planted any seedlings. Reed ran his fingers over flowers that needed no tending. Today, instead of making eyes at each other, the Cannons mostly snuck glances at Reegan.

Everyone was treating her as though weeds were springing up around her. People who she had been a source of strength for were all waiting at the ready to pluck away anything they thought threatened her light and sustenance. Everyone was treating her with special care, but she didn't need it. She didn't want it.

No matter how many times or ways they said it, Reegan just couldn't come to believe that her brother was dead. It didn't feel like a fact. And no one could prove it to her. Not when she felt the connection that had been between them while still in the womb beating so strong.

Earlier that morning, Reegan had been on the phone with the Department of Defense. But they didn't give her anything more t

han the soldiers had. In fact, she knew that Corporal Lucas had given her more than he was supposed to.

Reegan had seen the soldiers ride out on horseback when she’d pulled up. She hadn’t seen Brandon Lucas’s broad form atop one of the majestic beasts. She wondered where he was. Not that she was looking for him.

"Hey, how are you today?"

Reegan looked up to see Beth making her way to her. Beth was dressed in one of her flowery sundresses. But her friend’s features were cloudy and gray. Beth’s eyes were red and bleary. Her smile didn't come anywhere near her eyes.

Reegan held out her arms to her best friend. Beth sank down to her knees and brought her arms around Reegan. As the two friends held each other, Reegan saw Reed and Sarai make a quiet departure. It was another thing she loved about this community. They’d let one of their own suffer in silence but never alone.

The problem was that Reegan wasn’t suffering. Sure, she was torn up that her brother was missing. She was gutted that she didn’t know where he was or what he was experiencing. But unlike everyone else, she knew with every fiber of her being that Reece’s heart still beat. If anyone should know Reece was still alive, she’d thought it would be Beth. But by the woman’s silent tears, Reegan saw even their shared best friend didn’t believe he was still with them.