“Hmm? Oh, right, Molly. She’s a great kid.”

“But she was called to the principal’s office. Her teacher sent me an email about something to do with a ruler a couple of days ago?”

“It’s nothing to worry about. Molly’s just trying to figure out her place here. I think she’ll be fine.”


“Have I ever steered you wrong?”

“No. No, you haven’t.”

Kylee chewed at her lower lip. Ron’s gaze fixed to the motion. He’d dreamed of kissing her since he’d seen it done on television.

He hadn’t dated a lot of women in the last decade. Mainly because no one ever measured up to the dream of simply kissing Kylee. And here she was in the flesh, tugging at the oh so bitable center of her bottom lip.

Kylee let go of her lip. Their gazes met. Ron watched as her breath caught. She’d caught him staring. He’d give anything to know what she was thinking right now. She wasn’t frowning. Maybe the thought of him thinking about kissing her wasn’t unappetizing.

This was the perfect moment to find out. Not to kiss her. But to ask her out so that it might lead to that first kiss. Ron opened his mouth… and a knock sounded at the door.

His secretary poked her head in. “The bell is about to ring, and they need you for bus duty since Mr. Martin is still on paternity leave with his wife.”

Ron swallowed down his desire. It was hard to pass. “I’ll be right there.”

Kylee stood. “I’m sorry. I’ve been keeping you from your duties.”

Ron stood too. “Not at all. I always have time for you.”

They were standing close enough for him to smell the berry scent of her shampoo. She tugged at her lower lip again. This time the right corner.

She gazed up at him. It was clear her tongue was tied. “It’s really good to see you again, Old Man.”

“You said that already, Ace.”

“Well, it’s true. I really missed you.”

“Said that too.”

She smiled and then she moved to the door. Then she took a half step toward him. It looked as though she were about to give him another hug. But in the light of the open door, she retreated and stepped around him. “I’ll see you around, okay?”

Before she could cross the threshold, Ron blurted out, “Kylee, we should see each other again.”

She paused and turned. So did the phone receptionist, and the attendance receptionist, and the principal’s assistant.

“To catch up,” Ron clarified for the prying ears. “It’s been ten years. We’ve spent less than ten minutes together. How about dinner?”


“Buster and Eden’s is still open.”

“Are you serious? I can’t believe the health inspectors haven’t closed that place down.”

“What are you talking about? Best chili dogs in all of Cordoba.”


“Principal Kidd?” said his assistant. “They need you.”

Ron looked from his assistant, then around the main office quickly filling with teachers, kids, and parents, and back to Kylee. He couldn’t press his pursuit of her in front of all these people. “We’ll talk soon, okay.”