“Kylee’s not my girlfriend. She’s my friend.”

But even Ron didn’t believe his own lie. He could tell Iman didn’t either. She walked off and took a seat with some other parents. By the glances they stole at Ron he was sure that his relationship status with Kylee was the topic of conversation.

He wasn’t breaking any rules. However, before his eyes, people’s perspective about him was changing. The question was, did he care?

Chapter Thirteen

Kylee fixed her skirt, giving the pleated hem a tug. It came above the knee. Was that too high? Or maybe it wasn’t high enough?

She’d changed three times, showered, put on makeup, taken makeup off, and then reapplied. Not in that order. Looking in the mirror her cheeks looked more plum than blush. She was so nervous that she was going to break out in hives.

Why was she so nervous? It was just Ron; her old buddy, her old pal. He was just coming over to pick up his watch. They might sit and talk. And…

And? What and? There was no and. And that was that. Except there was still the door that he’d left open.

It’s really not that ridiculous.

What exactly wasn’t ridiculous? Molly wanting them to date? Or the possibility of Ron and Kylee dating? He’d never clarified.

Kylee hated vague statements. There was always a right and wrong answer. She’d never let such an open-ended question like that get by as one of her test questions. So the first thing she’d do when Ron stopped by was to ask him to clarify his meaning so that she’d best be able to narrow down her response.

“Looking good, Mom.” Molly poked her head in the bathroom door. “Now, that's how you dress for a date."

"This is not a date." That had not been made clear. Yet.

It also wasn’t an angle. She wouldn’t use her friendship with Ron to get her anywhere. She’d been used enough in the last ten years by Jason. This was simply a reconnaissance mission. Ron would retrieve his watch and Kylee would then interrogate him.

"Are you wearing lip gloss?" asked Molly.

Kylee put a finger to her lips. She’d slipped on one coat of gloss. But only because she hadn’t gotten enough water today and her lips were parched.

"Is that eyeshadow?”

The shade matched her blouse.

“And earrings?”

Well, they complimented the embroidery in her skirt.

“It's a date, Mom."

"It's Ron,” Kylee protested. Her cheeks flamed even brighter accentuating the makeup she applied.

"I like Mr. Kidd.”

Kylee sighed. "I like him too."

“He likes you. He's always staring at you and grinning.”

“He does? Oh my God, this is a date."

Molly nodded.

Something bubbled up in Kylee’s chest. Was that heartburn? Or excitement? Probably excitement since she’d eaten the tacos only a couple hours ago. Kylee was feeling excited about dating her best friend.

But wait. Did Ron think this was a date? He’d made that joke about being a hot commodity around moms. Did he think Kylee was trying to commoditize him? Was that even a word?

Oh, no. What if Ron thought that she thought that this was a date? Or worse, what if he thought the only reason she’d asked him over was to work an angle?