Chapter Nineteen

Kylee was not having the best morning. Her eyes were crusted with dried tears. No makeup could fix the redness under her eyelids. Her skirt had threads dangling from a loose hem. She spilled mascara down the front of her shirt. Her phone was dead after checking it all night long. When she’d plugged it in this morning and gotten a cell of energy, she saw she still had no new messages.

“You okay, Mommy?”

“Oh, yeah, baby.” Kylee sounded exhausted even to her own ears. “I’ll get out of your way so you can get ready for school.”

As Kylee made to step out of the bathroom door, she found herself stepping into her daughter’s embrace. Molly wrapped her arms around her mother’s waist and gave her a tight squeeze. It was tight enough to pull a few more tears from Kylee’s dry eyes.

“I know that’s not true,” Molly said as she looked up at her mom. “I know you’re not okay right now. But you’re a smart lady. Mr. Kidd said you’re the smartest lady he knows.”

“He did? When did he say that?” Kylee sniffed. “He was talking about me? What else did he say?”

“He also said for me to stay out of it and let the adults handle it.”

Of course, Ron would say that to a kid. For the last week, he’d been the best parent Molly had ever had. Kylee knew Ron would never turn his back on her daughter. She just hoped Ron would allow her back into his life as well.

“I just want to say that I love Daddy…but Daddy doesn’t make either of us happy. Mr. Kidd does.”

It was a struggle to not mess up her mascara with tears. Kylee pulled her daughter to her again. Even firmer this time. It took a long while before Kylee released Molly to take her place in the bathroom.

Coming down the stairs was like stepping into a war zone. Clothes were strewn around. Half eaten take-out food was spilling out of containers and onto the coffee table. Jason was asleep in front of the television, which was turned on at full blast, and he was in his boxers.

This was why she’d gotten divorced. The youngest person in the house was the most grown of the three. Kylee was putting a stop to this now. There was money burning a hole in her purse. But she didn’t pull it out.

“Jason, get up.” Kylee kicked at the base of the couch. She was very proud that she didn’t kick his bare foot that was dangling off the cushions.

“It’s seven in the morning.” He groaned and turned over.

“Exactly. It’s time for you to get up and get out of here. You are not my responsibility anymore. Do you hear me?” She gave another firm kick to the base of the couch, just narrowly missing his toes.

Jason looked up at her frowning. “Fine, I’ll go. Just loan me some cash.”

“Nope. Not gonna happen. The money I make is for me and Molly.”

He sat up now, complete indignation in his face as though she’d just taken his favorite toy away. “What am I supposed to do?”

“You need to get yourself together. Or not. Your success or failure is on you. Not me.”

“Fine. I’ll be out of here tonight.”

“No. Now.”

Sixty minutes later, Kylee turned off the exit that would take her to work. Now that Jason’s motorcycle tail lights were headed south, she could set everything on track again.

She was running late to work. But it was going to be her last day on the job. So, it didn’t really matter.

She couldn’t stay after the scene yesterday. As she walked into the office, she noticed people staring at her from beneath their lashes. A few gaped openly. She heard the whispers that included her name. And, of course, some spoke at full volume.

Kylee marched right up to Syd Rowen’s office. Before knocking on his door, she turned and faced the crowd. She was not surprised to find they all were staring openly behind her back.

“For what it’s worth,” she began, “I didn’t date Ron Kidd to get ahead. I didn’t want to date anyone at all. But when a man like him, who is so incredible, comes into your life - back into your life, and he checks all your boxes and fills in every one of you blanks, you’d be stupid not to grab hold with both hands and pencil him into your life forever. And if I am lucky enough for him to give me a retake, that’s what I’m going to do.”

With her speech done, Kylee turned back to her boss’ office to find the door open and Mr. Rowen staring down at her. Kylee handed him the letter she’d prepared last night.

“What’s this?” Mr. Rowen asked.

“My letter of resignation. We lost the Barton account because of me. I take full responsibility for my actions.”