It was the third time he’d bitten his tongue since they’d sat down to eat. He couldn’t believe what he’d said to her before they’d dug into the take out. How had he let his big mouth tell the woman of his dreams that he wasn’t interested in dating her? It was a lie and so his mouth was obviously attacking him to force out the words he truly wanted to say.

Kylee, I’ve loved you since the third grade.

Kylee, I should’ve come after you when you ran off with that jerk.

Kylee, I want to kiss you now and never let you go.

But he couldn’t say any of that. Not because it was against the rules, but because of the perception. Ron had looked through the rule books. He’d spent the afternoon pouring over administration policy and procedures, and he’d found nothing.

There was no specific rule about teachers or administrators dating a parent. It was definitely frowned upon because of the liability issues and, again, the perception issue. Earlier today, Kylee had thrown on top of that pile, favoritism. Or could it be nepotism since they’d been like family most of their lives? Was there a word for showing preferential treatment to the woman you were in love with? Whatever the word, Ron knew he’d be called on it and any perceived advantage he might give Kylee could negatively affect his job.

What a mess.

Ron had taken a look at Thrive Learning Systems after the faculty meeting. Not because he had been cyberstalking Kylee. It was research for the good of the school. What he’d found just on the website had piqued his interest in the company.

He’d considered reaching out to them on his own. But now that Kylee was a part of the deal, and she had personally asked him for his consideration, he was firmly in Thrive’s corner. She didn’t have to give her presentation to ensure she had his vote. The woman already had his heart.

“Moo Shu?”

“Beg your pardon?” Ron looked up to see Kylee offering him some of the dish. “No, thanks, I’m full.”

She snorted as she dropped the piece of food back in its carton. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard those words come out of your mouth.”

“I’ve gotta keep fit.” Ron patted his firm stomach.

“Right, Mr. Hot Commodity. For all those hopeful moms.”

Ron chewed at his lower lip, but the words came out anyway. “I’m not dating anyone right now.”

“Me either.”

They stared at each other for a second. Ron opened his mouth to speak then closed it. Kylee opened her mouth and then closed it. They both turned back to their plates.

Ron grabbed the morsel from the cartoon and shoved it in his mouth. He needed something to keep him quiet or he’d suggest a solution to their dating problem.

“Why aren’t you dating?” Kylee said. “Are you coming out of a long, tormented relationship that made you doubt your faith in the opposite sex, too?”

There was a self-deprecating smile on her lips. But it wavered when her glance met his. Ron had trouble swallowing past the lump that formed in his throat.

“Ky? Did he..?”

“Did Jason what?”

Ron couldn’t form the words. He took in a deep breath. Then he clenched his fists. Just the mere thought of any harm coming to this beautiful, precious woman had him seeing red.

“Did Jason beat me? God, no. Emotional abuse, sure. Infidelity, probably more than I know about. But no, he never raised his hand to me or Molly. He wasn’t around enough to even consider it.”

Ron held her gaze. There was so much pain there. Guilt washed over him. “I’m sorry, Ky.”

“What are you sorry for? You didn’t marry him.”

“No, but I should’ve stopped you from marrying him.”

“Ron, that’s ridiculous. My mind was made up.” She crossed her arms over herself and leaned away slightly, as though protecting herself from the memory. “I was wrong, of course. But there was nothing you could’ve said to change my mind back then. I thought I had all the answers.”

Ron placed his arm along the back of the couch. It wasn’t an embrace, but it was the closest he could come to it. “I should’ve kidnapped you or something.”

Kylee threw her head back and laughed.