"I'll tell you why,” came a feminine voice to the left of Omar. “Because it's the only way you'll ever get a date."

Esme hadn't mastered the art of the stage whisper. Only a few of those in attendance heard the soon-to-be-queen’s remarks. What turned heads were the snorts and snickers coming from Omar and Zhi who sat beside her. The marquis and duke covered their mouths in a belated attempt to stifle their amusement.

Over the years, women had increased in the halls of the Córdovian Parliament. But the female species were only mere dots of dim light in the actual seats on the dark, masculine landscape. Yet, the truth was that most estates and businesses across the nation were run by those of the female persuasion.

Omar's older sister, Alana, ran the marquisette back in the coastal province of Navarre. The seat of Navarre once guarded the southeastern coastlines of Córdoba. They still had a fleet. Only now it was of ships that brought in spices and goods from the Middle East and Northern Africa.

Just as he'd happily handed the reins of the estate over to her, he wanted to finally vacate his seat in the House of Lords as well and let her take the pedestal. Alana loved running the lands and moving the pieces in the game of politics.

Omar always lost to her in the game of Battleship, where his ships were perpetually sunk. He was bored watching these proceedings. His mind often drifted to wondering if he could make the parliamentary proceedings into a musical. But the thought of lords arguing the rights of women left a distasteful tang in his mouth.

"The British monarchy has changed the law of succession," chimed in King Leonidas. "Does Córdoba truly want to remain behind the Windsors?"

A light rumble went through the crowd, lightening the mood. Lord Panek and his lackeys sneered at the king.

Pretty soon, the back and forth died down. It was time to get to business. King Leo rose from his seat. It was rare for a monarch to have a seat at the table, but Leo had never been much of a figurehead. He was a man of action.

"It's time to vote," he said.

One by one, the members came forward to cast their votes. The outcome wasn't a surprise. The margins, however, were. The measure passed by a one to ninety margin. Apparently, even Lord Panek’s lackeys didn't want to stand with him. In every way, women were now equal to the men in all classes and positions of power in Córdoba.

Esme leaped out of her seat and into Leo's arms with the announcement. Another perk of the law changing was the abolition of the noble blood clause, where royals could only marry partners of a blue bloodline. It was just in time as their wedding was this weekend.

Leo embraced his bride in a royal display of affection that the members of the governing body had never seen in its hallowed halls. They would all need to get used to it; having hugs as part of the curriculum with an American kindergarten teacher on the throne.

In addition to the school teacher being in the line of succession, an American pie maker was now fifth in line for the crown. If Omar was a conspiracy theorist, he'd say there was a low key invasion on the front. Even the Duke of Mondego was head over heels in love with a woman with Yankee blood.

"So, you and Lark?" said Zhi.

Omar didn't allow his head to swivel and do a double take at the duke's words. He kept his features impassive and his gaze forward. "There is no me and Lark."

For that statement to be true, his heart shouldn't be skipping beats when their names were placed side by side in the same sentence.

"Riiiight," Zhi drawled the single word, letting it stretch into the truth of Omar’s statement. "Male nobles are getting caught like flies being drawn to an American apple pie."

"Lark isn't American."

"Her mother is an ex-patriot."

Now he did do a double take. Omar didn't know that about her. He felt an intense pang of jealousy that Zhi knew something about Lark that he didn't.

"I can't wait to see who snares the Earl," Zhi continued.

That notion was ridiculous; the idea of the Earl of Larida dating anyone outside of his library. Daniel rarely looked up from a book long enough to eat, let alone notice the opposite sex. But Omar and Lark?

There it went again. The placement of their names side by side made his heart skip two beats this time.

Omar couldn't deny that he was attracted to her. He didn't admit it to Zhi either. Omar was now a looker and not a toucher.

Though the idea of his hands on the shapely magician …

Omar looked over to see Zhi grinning at him, a knowing glint in his gaze.

"It's just a business thing.” Omar patted at the breast pocket of his three-piece suit. It was empty, of course. But he couldn’t shake the feeling he’d misplaced something.

"You have a reputation for things with your female business associates,” said Zhi.

"You know that's not true." Omar turned to see the duke’s light eyes narrowed in a dark glare. His hands fell away from the empty pockets at his chest and rested in his lap.