In the meantime, Alex hovered over his food like a caveman unwilling to share his bounty. In truth, he simply didn’t want hip sweat to land on his plate as an unwanted additive.

“Your hips don’t lie, dear girl,” said Zhi.

There were two dancers on his side of the table. The young duke held his hands up and swayed in his seat to the beat of the dancers’ moves. As the dancers wiggled faster and faster, Zhi reached over to tuck a few bills in the dancer’s coin-lined sarong. He stuffed a fistful of bills down the other two girls’ costumes. Unfortunately, his arms didn’t quite reach the dancer on Alex’s side.

“Alex, be a prince and show the girl our appreciation.”

Alex rolled his eyes at his oldest friend as he stuffed the bills in his utensil-less hand. When Alex had suggested the place, it was for the food. The only reason Zhi came was for the entertainment.

It had been a compromise of sorts. The two friends had hardly had any chance to catch up with Zhi taking over his ancestral estate now that his father was ill. This night for him was about letting his hair down from all of his newfound responsibilities.

Alex had not been there for his friend in the last few weeks. He’d been off traveling, and now he was about to start his own business. And he was engaged.

He’d almost asked Jan if she’d wanted to come along to this guys’ night. Just to try the dish. In the end, he decided it was best not to bring his fiancée to a gentleman’s club, even if it was on the posh side of town.

Alex doubted the pie maker would enjoy the atmosphere, but he was certain she’d enjoy the dish. He was certain he would enjoy the dish once he actually got a taste of it. To do that, he’d need to get rid of the dancer.

He took the money Zhi gave him. But instead of stuffing the money in the girl’s clothing, Alex placed it in her hand. With that done, Alex turned to the fork in his hand and the bite that was still on its tines. But there was something tugging at his other hand.

He looked up to see the dancer’s face close to his. She leaned in and kissed his cheek before taking the cash. On cue, a camera flashed.

A few days ago, Alex wouldn’t have cared. He knew the press’ narrative about him. He knew they didn’t care to change it. But after Jan had come to his defense the other day, Alex wanted to play a new role.

The woman bent her body down as though to sit in Alex’s lap. Alex shifted, still not dropping the morsel of food on his fork. He brought her down next to him in an empty seat. Then he plopped the food into his mouth.

Pulling the tines slowly from his mouth, he groaned in delight. He held up the index finger of his free hand to the girl while he took a moment to enjoy the complex flavors. The garlic and cilantro hit him first. Just beneath the sweet oniony flavor was a layer of pepper and lemon. And was that the subtle hint of ginger? Truly a work of art. He was definitely going back to speak to the chef. Perhaps he might even steal the man away to come and work for him and Jan.

As he used his knife and fork to craft another perfect bite, he addressed the woman waiting beside him. “How much are they paying you for the picture?”

The dancer hesitated. Her gaze flickered across the way. It was the same direction that the flash had originated.

“Tell me the number,” said Alex. “I’ll double it. If you’ll go away.”

Her gaze went wide with greed. She told him a number Alex knew was a markup on the market price for a scandalous photo of him. He didn’t care. He opened his wallet and peeled off a few bills. He gave them to the girl with a hand shake, and she was off.

“What’s gotten into you?” Zhi asked.

“I’m engaged.” Alex lifted his fork and devoured the bite.

“Does that mean you can’t have a little fun?” asked Zhi. “Don’t get me wrong, I like Jan. She’s far too good for you.”

Alex ignored his friend, especially since he was right. Jan was too good for him. But he found himself wanting to be a better man, a man who deserved her. He decided that instead of arguing, he’d turn the tables.

“What’s gotten into you?” Alex sh

ot back. “I was speaking with Carlisle the other day.”

The soon to be Baron of Balansya rounded out their threesome. The three men had grown up together, gone to the same schools, and eschewed the same responsibilities together. Though Carlisle had always been the one behind his family’s business success as early as his teen years.

“He told me he was worried about you,” Alex continued. “Said you haven’t been yourself. Is it your father? Is it worse than we believed?”

“The man’s old. His title and his power can’t stop the inevitable.”

Zhi wouldn’t meet Alex’s gaze. That’s how Alex knew something else was wrong. But he and Zhi had never been the type of men to cry on each other’s shoulders. No, they saved that for when they got drunk. Then they’d blubber on, confident that the other would forget the next morning. They never forgot. But they also never spoke of it.

“You always said you’d never marry,” said Zhi. “And now you’re engaged to a pie maker? I repeat; what’s gotten into you?”

Alex opened his mouth, but his tongue was tied. Just as he couldn’t lie to his blood brother, he couldn’t seem to lie to his chosen brother. The problem was Alex wasn’t sure what the lie was any longer. Was the lie that he was engaged to Jan? Or was the lie that he no longer wanted to get married?