“Yes.” It was all she would get. Alex had no idea where she was going with this, but he knew he didn’t want to play along.

“What about reports that you were in Nairobi just two weeks ago with Chantal Bissett?”

He felt Jan bristle in his arms. Looking down, he saw that she was frowning—no. Jan was glaring at the reporter. Before Alex could come up with a dismissive quip, Lila turned her toxic gaze on Jan.

“Sorry to be the bearer of bad news,” Lila said with a smile. “He’s known as the bad boy prince for a reason.”

“Bad news?” said Jan, her voice ringing loud and clear without the need for a microphone to amplify her. “Why don’t you try reporting actual facts?”

Lila’s eyes lit up like a Vegas slot machine. The press loved when celebrities pushed back.

“Ms. Peppers,” said the reporter, “do you truly believe the playboy prince has changed his ways?”

Jan took a step toward the edge of the stage. Alex reached for her, but she slipped out of his hold. The Jersey flare in her boiled over like a pot on a raring flame. Alex stood back in awe at the display.

“He was there,” Jan said, her accent thick. “If you took a moment to talk to any of the locals there, they’d tell you the real story. If you, ace reporter, only took a moment to look at the pictures, you’ll see he was installing hydroponics to help people grow clean and wholesome food.”

The pencils, which had been scribbling furiously at Jan’s outrage, stuttered. The camera shutters closed. Each face in the crowd frowned as though trying to comprehend the turn of events.

“Cordoba’s playboy prince,” Jan spat out the words that Alex had detested all his life, “has been more concerned with feeding the world’s downtrodden population than he has cared to chase skinny twigs in a skirt. So, no, I don’t think he’s changed at all. You all have never seen who he truly is.”

Silence reigned in the crowd. The revelation made everyone in attendance fidget. Not Alex. For the first time in his life, he was perfectly calm and content. He wanted the moment to go on forever.

“In just a few short weeks, I’ve come to know the prince better than many of his own countrymen. I can’t even express how proud I am that he chose me to be his partner. I would never ask him to change a single thing. I like him as he is.”

Jan looked at him, really looked at him. Under her gaze, Alex felt something shift inside. He didn’t think he knew the words to express what was happening inside him.

“Well, maybe except the whole milk in tea business.” Jan’s features crumpled in distaste. “It’s truly barbaric.”

“It may be an acquired taste,” he said.

“You can keep that particular taste to yourself.”

“Noted, my sweet.”

And then, because he could, Alex stole a kiss. It was just a light, little kiss. It was frowned upon for royals to show affection in public. But he was a rebel royal, and he was engaged to this spicy woman with a sweet tooth.

Jan gasped at the contact. Her eyes were dazed as he pulled away. He didn’t let her get far. He pulled her close and walked her off the stage to the flash of cameras and the shouts of more questions.

They reached the waiting car. Alex handed Jan inside. Then Leo did the same with Esme. Before Alex could climb in, Leo put a hand to his shoulder.

“Fake, huh?” asked Leo.

Alex had no comment. He couldn’t be bothered to form any words. He was far too busy swiping at his bottom lip, trying to take in more of Jan’s sweet and spicy taste.

Chapter Eighteen

“What about a dash of Sriracha?”

“That’s insane.” Jan stayed Alex’s hand before he could sprinkle the spicy ingredient into her mix. “Sriracha and peanut butter?”

They were inside their soon to be renovated restaurant. The space only needed to be painted, decorated, and filled with tables and chairs. The kitchen was in remarkable shape. There was a large picturesque window that looked out at the Cordovian mountains in the distance. There was space for a deck if they ever wanted to serve food directly from the kitchen to customers on a patio bar.

Her old kitchen had no windows, and even if they did, she’d only see the dirty alleyway and trash bins. Jan couldn’t wait to cook in this space and be greeted with that sight every day. But first, she had to save her dish from her partner’s insanity.

Alex managed to toss the spicy sriracha in despite her protests. He gave it a stir and then scooped a bit out. He held the spoon out for her. His grin was wide, his brows raised in a challenge.

Jan crossed her arms over her shoulders. She pressed her lips firmly together. She was adventurous when it came to food, but there was no way that combination would work.